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hornibrook 24/10


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headed to hornibrook last night for a quick fish

got there around 8ish and were fishing by 8:30

armed with a bunch of live mullet, bony bream and whiting we were hoping for a good night

within 5 minutes the baitrunner starts to scream, set the hook and after a short fight up came a nice size shovelnose

maybe 2 or 3 minutes later and my mate hooks up, this time a 38cm squire, best we've got from hornibrook so far, then another 10 minutes later his drags starts to make that lovely noise that every fisherman loves... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... a 10 minute fight and a 10+kg ray surfaces

then nothing until about 10 when the action starts again, first its my turn landing a 36cm squire(had a good feed to take home at least)

then his turn and a 2.5kg cattie

after that i landed another 3 catties with one going about 80cm and around 3.5-4kg

packed up at 11 with a feed and a fun night behind us

also lost plenty of bait to massive runs and bloody crabs

the trip was really to see if there was any bullies out yet but still had a lot of fun and not bad for 2 and a half hours effort

cheers, jake

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thats awsum!

ive had a few trips to hornibrook recent comign up with a cimplete donugt!

soudn sliek ur onto sumthing, so i am gonna have a go as soon as december (and my holidays) come round!

is it any spot inparticular ont he bridge or do u just move up and down it?

ripper sesh m8, awsum stuff!:woohoo:

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the main boating channel where there is the rise in the bridge, we fish just the bottom of that rise everytime..

so far the best result is a 5ft bullie with about 5 others lost that night

before you go head down to a local creek or river and cast net, bony bream and mullet are the best baits

however squid has also worked well in the past for big catties, some squire and even a 3ft bullie

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