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kookaburra park


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hi guys,

Finally got around to heading down to kooka on sunday arvo with a little encouragement from Tristan (funfisher). Had a little bit of a snif around and tristan managed to get a bullshark and i managed couple of small bream - go figure, tristan always seems to catch fish capable of eating the ones i catch. Anyway, now that i've moved to the area i plan to spend a bit of time fishing the place this summer and wondering if anyone can give me an idea of how far the tide times are behind the brisbane bar. I'm sure its been covered but there are heaps of threads relating to the place and of the ones i've read i haven't had any luck finding this info.



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20cmish boney bream, 5/0 circle hook and 40lb leader.

p.s understand why the skiers get call 'lice'. We were waiting at the ramp for at least half an hour while this knob unpacked his ski boat into his car on the boat ramp. Then when the next bloke in line got his boat on the trailer he decided to park across the ramp and get out and check his tail lights and tighten his staps.

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And something pretty wierd happened too.. when i pulled got the line out of his gob i noticed a weathered red hook that had somehow ended up with my line through the eye of the hook? must have been in the bullys mouth and forced it through the very small if non existent gap in the eye...weird! here is a pic. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/october_2008_060_AFO.jpg

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Rocket75 wrote:

Nice effort on the shark,,,better effort on the hook !

Should have kept the bully to show the ski lice up close what they are playing with:blink: and then let it go:woohoo:

Sharks eat all sorts of stuff, but they don't eat 5hit .. probably swallow the life jacket and spit out the ski lice :X

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jeff f wrote:

kriso wrote:
cheers jeff i thought there was a closer listing on the site.

no thats the closest its only 1 k downstream from the ramp

:silly: sorry mate i was refering to the spot i put up which was moggil ferry, i new there was a closer spot on the site then moggil but i couldnt remeber it. :fishing:

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