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Fishing At Mt Crosby


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Got a little bored today so I thought I would go try my luck out at the old weir. I walked down to the second big pond and proceded to throw some soft plastics in while my daughter was throwin out some prawns on a float. There was a little bit of biting action then my daughter landed a decent sized catty, somewhere in the 40-50cm mark. then a few more. The bites dried up for a while and I gave up on the plastics after a hundred or so casts and not a bite I thought I might try the prawns. First cast I caught what I think is a lil perch. then a couple lil catties. Then nothing for another half hr I got a huge bite on my line. I had about 10m of line out and it ripped out another 5m then stopped. 10 seconds later another 5m ripped off then twang got bitten off. :( Not 30 seconds later it happened on my daughters rod so I grabbed that and it ripped of 10m then twang, broke through 10lb line. So I re-rigged the lines and threw out into the same area but to no luck. all in all killed a few hrs. Was really hoping for my first bass. Better luck next time i guess.



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