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another boggy report


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well i met up with trav for a last minute fish, we headed over to our usual spot, then phone rings, shortie. have a quick chat and off we go past the cop shop. the water was very murky compared to the last few trips, even tasted fresh, not salty at all. after trolling lures for a bit and it still being very fresh, we decided to try somewhere different. the nth east corner of mud is a good a place as any to start we thought. we musta, because thats where we ended up at. i got nudda, trav got a large soul fish, and maybe something else. after being out there for a bit, decided to go back to boggy as the in comming might have brought some salt with it, and it did. not long into it i managed another flathead 65/67 cm, not long after trav got 1 too. all's good. got tomorrows dinner! muck around for a bit, met a fella fishing for flathead, which turned out to be a fellow afo'r. when it became dark we called it a day, good day out too.

ellicat! you there yet?

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dragons7 wrote:

nice fish mate i was up that way today dot 4 nice flatys up to 70cm all realesed and and couple nice squire over 40 cm on plastics was real but and the current was running hard to
did you notice if they had rapala or halco tongue rings at all. :lol:
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noname wrote:

dragons7 wrote:
nice fish mate i was up that way today dot 4 nice flatys up to 70cm all realesed and and couple nice squire over 40 cm on plastics was real but and the current was running hard to
did you notice if they had rapala or halco tongue rings at all. :lol:
No sign of the infamous castnet fish either Robbo? :laugh: :P

Dean ;)

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