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land based northside!!!


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hey guys havent been for a fish in a while and i was just wondering where would be a good place to go over the weekend? Usually targeting flatty and bream landbased around the pine river and redcliffe but havent had a good day of fishing for a while any ideas??

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Yeah the jetties have been fireing with squid lately not much else tho.. will you be fishing day or night?

Dohles Rocks would be a good spot.

Anywhere where theres rocks should see you seme bream on a rising tide at night.. Seems to be plenty of flathead around, mostly undersized but still.

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I tried Baxters jetty(near mouth of cabbage tree creek) last Thursday for a Bream of 28cm.After that,I had a heap of Sandies playing with my bait so may pay to take a pot.They were good sized too.The tide was run out tide from end of high tide.Only there a couple of hours.


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