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Fishermen Is. 11-3-07


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Tide was running low and fast so we had to get the boat out as fast as we can for some fishing. It was nearly 3pm after we had everything ready and also had to wait for the car with a towwie. Anyway, by 3:30 we hit the waters and decided to head to Mud Is. on our brand spanking new 4.35Mtr Boat. 1st timer, we headed up to the port of brisbane tip of the island and saw mud island but was to scared to keep going ahead since the waves we nearly a meter high out there. We started heading back near Pikenba and tried to find the oyster racks for some bream fishing. We saw a little rock pile and thought it was it so we casted out our lines and after my 1st cast, something took my line real hard and because i forgot to set my drag, my line instantly snapped off.

about 15mins later, 2 rods started to run at the same time. funny thing is both the actions on the rods were the same. it must of been a double hook up. :) 5mins into the fight, the small rod snapped off but the other rod was still on. luckily it had 50lb braid so we werent so worried but the hook was real small (size 4 long shank?). anyway, it took my friend atleast 30 long minutes to actually see what the hell the thing was and firstly the tail popped up and it looked like a gummy shark but once the head was in view, we knew it was a shovel nose. It was actually the biggest shovel i ever seen. It was 5-6 foot. It was heaps fun and my friend decided to bring it home because we all were hungry.

Other fishes caught that day was:

afew undersize breams (let go again)

undersize Summer whitings (let go again)

1 undersize moses and 1 decent. (kept big one)

1 undersize cod (Let go)

cant remember the rest but it was a 2.5hr trip and wasnt the worst. So thats it and hopefully next weekend i'll be heading up again for a much longer trip out.

This is my friend that caught the shovel nose: :whistle:

Pictures of the fish will be put up tonight when i get the camera. [img size=105]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/fishing1.JPG

Post edited by: Go0LiE, at: 2007/03/13 16:01

Post edited by: webmaster, at: 2007/06/22 22:07

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