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Can it be repaired


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I've got two carbon rods what I only used for a short time being inexperienced the ends (tips) of both of them snapped off :( one snapped off right on at the next runner it was that close to it you can hardly tell its broken other than its not a tip, thats the pelagic rod . The other rod, (Abu)broke and its about 4inches to the next runner, can these be repaired and is it worth it.

one is an Abu "Impact" 4 to 10 lb, it was a nice rod very flicky the other is a Pelagic "super spin" 2 to 6 kilo.


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tugger wrote:

near the tip it is easy bring them down on the weekend and i'll have a look dave if it's what i'm thinking it will take about 5 minutes to fix

Thanks Mark, Cant wipe that smile of kreel's face when hes got a Mackas in his hand oops I mean Mack :P sorry Kreel

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i reckon if there near the top, only the top runner gorn or less , about 4 to 4 1/2 inches ,just get a new runner on it.

my bro is using a few rods ,they snapped right above the second runner .

he still uses them,reckons they still feel ok.

the 2 rods i have broke are below the second runner from the top .

i got 1 re tipped ,it don't feel any good .

the 2 rods i'm talking about i snapped 6 and 9 1/2 inches off the top.

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i trim off the jaggered bits left at the tip then you need to know the diameter of the rod tip thats left now and if your old rod tips any good and still fits or i then normarlly take mine to my rod to the local tackle shop and the guy picks the right tip to fit the new diameter as the rod normally gets thicker further down. when fitting the new tip i lightly sand paper where it will fit clean off dust then araldite it on making shore it's in line with the other runners. with the one with a runner left near the tip just cut the old binding away and remove the runner and replace it with a new tip following the same as above. if on another occasion you lose the middle part out of a tip and you need to replace it they remove by heating them with a lighter to loosten up the glue then pull off while still hot so use gloves then follow same as above by sanding and reglue

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tugger wrote:

if you don't feel confident bring them down on the weekend and i'll do it for you

going to nip out now and get the bits I'll have a bash at it got to learn sometime I dont think it'll be the last one that gets broke (hope not)also get a yabbie pump

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tugger wrote:

if on another occasion you lose the middle part out of a tip and you need to replace it they remove by heating them with a lighter to loosten up the glue then pull off while still hot so use gloves then follow same as above by sanding and reglue

just be careful if you heat the tip - only heat it a little bit and try to distribute the flame rather than concentrate on one spot. too much heat and you will weaken the blank


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all fixed up, went over to Davos Tackle shop at Noosaville to ask for the bits and the lady there said" Give me 10 minutes and I'll fix them" 10 minutes later both rods done with new tips looking like brand new and only $10 bucks great service. so now I've got two more rods so I had to buy another reel to match up :laugh:

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