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Summary of scattered fishing


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I've sort of disappeared off the face of AFO as I've gotten really busy, but I thought I'd do a little summary of the scattered bits of fishing I've done over the last few months.

The most exciting was about two weekends ago. Took a friend on her first fishing trip ever up to Golden Beach, which is a really good place to fish in general and an excellent place to near guarantee a newbie to catch their first fish. Plus, a very nice place to just chillax. Got her to catch her first fish (don't know what it is and can't be bothered to post pics...just one of those hand-sized triangular yellow-black-white-striped fish). And her second was a little whiting. So, very happy friend.

She goes off for a bit to walk around and I set a light line out with some prawn and keep casting into a school of baby whiting and pulling up baby whiting and putting back baby whiting. At one point I get distracted by another rod that I have out and leave the light line out a little longer than usual. All of a sudden the line is vibrating like mad and whatdya know? My first legal-sized whiting gets to come home with us for dinner.


24.5 cm from tip to tail. Too bad more of his mates weren't around. It's possible all the other ones were legal winter whiting, but I personally can't tell the difference so I just play it safe.

Other than than, caught my second flattie on plastics in the canals on the Sunshine Coast. The greedy thing was only a bit longer than my hand...and I have small hands...so I didn't bother with pictures. I swear there's this one spot that always has a flattie in it, and not the same one because it's always a random size. Pretty happy that plastics seem to work ok with me, just got to get out more. It was a 3" atomic guzzler grub in this reddish color with a blue fleck tail, which I like quite a lot because it doesn't dry out, it's easy to use, doesn't stink too bad, and seems a bit more pufferfish resistant than Gulps.

Then today finally went out to Boggy Creek to see what the fuss was about and caught some puffer fish off of a red and black ET lure. Have to say Boggy is not my favorite place in the world, besides the fact I had no idea where to fish there, I don't actually like mud that much (despite my reputation).

Cheers, Juls!

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