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Pine River 9/6/10


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It had been a while since I last dropped a line(a couple of weeks can feel like a while anyway) so organised with a bloke from work to go for a fish in the Pine last night before my old man reclaims his tinnie in the next couple of weeks.

Launched from Dohles Rocks just before 5pm looking at working the incoming then outgoing tide.Motoring off went to turn on the sounder.Nothing.MMM might just need to motor along at a good pace which was quite easy to do with 2x100kg plus fellas onboard being shuffled along behind 15hp Yammie.

Anyhow once again good to see the morons out there flying at mad speeds with no lights on. :angry: We dropped anchor about half a klm upstream hoping at maybe getting a Jewie or really anything for that fact.

Deckhand gets first catch- Sea toad (caught on peeled prawn)-quickly despatched.Shortly after deckhand is on again this time a just unders Bream-caught peeled prawn.

Not much happening for a little while then I manage to get a nice thick bream at 27.5cm(prawn) then deckie gets a bream at 27cm(prawn) I now have the bragging rights.

We stay a little longer then head upstream a further klm or so.Not long after my line goes off and up comes a bloody beautiful flattie going 63cm(sardine head).Deckie is very dejected. I strike again then get this eel(sardine) which is quickly returned.I even manage to pull in a sandcrab(mullet) but it was too little.Deckie then pulls in a whiting(mullet)

We start to feel a little drizzle so decide to head back towards the ramp in case it starts to set in. Pull up anchor about 1/2klm from ramp.Baby Octopus didn't do any good as bait all night. Getting good bites without much luck. Suddenly Deckies rod almost flies out of the boat.After a couple of minutes he is on to a 53cm flattie(mullet).Suddenly Deckie has found second wind.Soon after Deckies rod goes again.This time in comes a 34cm Squire(prawn).This thing was that healthy and its blue spots were glowing.

Not long after we decide to call it a night at 10.30pm.The night was fantastic.No breeze,cement flat water and best of all good variety of fish in our local waterways. :woohoo: Only downside was it wasn't Friday as we would've stayed out all night.Hope to post some photos a bit later.


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Good to see you back in the land of the living hulk I was starting to thing you had fallen of the face of the earth :P :laugh: .Nice to see you getting fish this time not like the pirtek comp,and your deckie out fished the skipper not good

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