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goodna fishing


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hey im just writing a report up about goodna fishing me and the lazyboy went there thiis afternoon we got a 28cm catfish on live shrimp then when sun was going down we still had lots of liveies (shrimp) me and lachlan made a rig up with like 4 hooks on it and we hooked up a threadfin salmon it took the live shrimp and ran 4 like 20seconds then it had a jump it can out about 50cm and only half the body was out of the water. then he spat the hook DAMMM!!!!! and then we left

but tomorrow we might go down there again 4 most of the day getting bait then try 4 a threadfin around dark again, the rod i bought from the swap meet is greaat getting a few nice cast with it.

and angus the lazy boy was sayin that u want some fish speices from the brizzy river is that true or did i misunderstand him.

cheers doss

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Hi doss, good to hear ur givin ur new rod a bit of stick... bad luck on the missed hook up.

mate i wouldnt be using a wire trace. Personally i would use fluro-carbon leader. you can pick some up from kmart and bigw for about $7 otherwise, get the good stuff like black majic for around $23 at anaconda

it was nice to meet u and lazyboy at the swap meet.

looking forard to more reports



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i think 14lb is fine for general fishing however if you are specifically targetting bigger fish, heavier gear will help. There ar guys who catch threadies on 10lb. Set you drag right, u will be fine.

I use 10lb shimano power pro braid with 12lb fluro carbon. Handles bigger fish with no sweat.


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hey we use sprimps and prawns the lazyboy and i do as well as chicken liver thats worken better then the live bait get nice catfish on them and on the srimp we are gettin a few bust off so maybe as fishguts said i might use some fluorocarbon and we might turn those bust off into some real action. got my first fish on the rod a 50cm catfish a bit of fun and it was nice to meet fish guts and the young fella down there and got a nice idea on shark fishing

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