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Boggy Creek - Quick Session - 28th March


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A trip away, a cold and car trouble have all conspired to keep me away from fishing for a few weeks. To those of you who have been checking in to see what is biting - I apologise.

I managed to sneek out yesterday morning for a quick fix. I only had a couple of hours, so I headed down to Boggy Creek. A small swampy tributary on the north side of the Brisbane River, only a few kms from where it opens into Moreton Bay. I parked up by the foot bridge that crosses the creek and leads to the oil refinery. I arrived around 10 am and the tide would be low around midday. I would be fishing the last few hours of the run out. This is not a great time to fish, as there is very little water - but beggars cant be choosers.

I have not fished in the River since the floods and I was delighted to see so much bait in the water. There were jelly prawns in close to the shore and lots of roving schools of small mullet. I decided to fish the soft plastic lures and went for a natural colour - a 2" GULP Shrimp in the Peppered Prawn colour I rigged it on a 1/6th 1/0 jighead. I was fishing a light spin rod with a 10lb Fluorocarbon leader. I moved along the banks casting my lure into the middle of the main channel and bouncing it along the bottom with the run out tide, until it reached my feet at the bank.

I cast around on each side of the bridge and got a few bites but no hook ups. I moved east, in the direction of the creek mouth and switched to a lighter 1/8th 1 jighead. I changed the plastic to a 2" Minnow pattern, in the same colour. I was putting in a couple of casts at each break in the Mangroves, when at the third spot, a small bream grabbed it. I took a picture and let it go - my first fish for three weeks - a trifle small but very satisfying.

I carried on moving east casting into the channel as the water got shallower and shallower. At the mouth of a drain, about 60 metres from the bridge, I felt a light thud. I paused, then lifted the rod tip. The line came up taught and there were a few head shakes. I had a 30cm Flathead.

At noon I gave up, just as the tide was starting to run in again. With the smell and noise of the refinery, this is not the prettiest environment to fish in. But after a three weeks off I was glad to get out there and see that there are plenty of fish around.

For more reports, photographs and fishy yarns - read the blog at http://landangler.wordpress.com/



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