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Gold Coast Bream


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Gidday folks,I've been hitting the beach for the last month and a half between the pumping jetty and Phillip Park.Been killing it on the bream,always descent size and hardly any small stuff,have also picked up some Tailor(mainly choppers but did catch a 2.7kg one a fortnight ago) the odd Salmon(they leave the Tailor for dead in fighting quality) and plenty of Dart.

I fish any tide but find the low tide outer gutters work best for me,I only use Bonito strips,even managed to catch two Whiting on Bonito as last Sunday.I have added a photo of the Bream I got last Sunday biggest was 36cm.

Wouldn't mind going down aftr work this arvo but can't miss the big game tonight!

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Nice haul, Champ. :woohoo:

They always seem to be better quality from the surf.

30 is a fair enough bag limit. It has been that since they brought in the bag limits. Certainly hasn't affected their numbers; they are still the most common catch at most inshore places. If you were keeping 25cm ones you need almost 30 to make them into fishcakes to feed a family.

Go the bonito bait. I've found it a good attractor for bream too.

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