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Kooka Sesh


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Took the boat for a spin today with my bro. All the way from Bremer Ramp (Cribb Park) to Kooka. B) Got onto some reasonable sized bream. Biggest went 28 fork. Couple pics. Got a few on plastics, and some on bait. All fish released. :)





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the fishing should be good there when it eventually gets reopened anyone got any idea how long its going to be

I can't see it opening anytime soon. They haven't even started repairing Kooka Park. I think they began to do a little bit at riverside, bit it will be awhile yet i reckon. I'm gonna start exploring some other parts of the river, sick of travelling all that way. Probably launch from Jindalee ramp next time i fish locally (if it's open) and head towards brecky creek. B)

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