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Just Another Announcment


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hey guys...

just to let you no mr dave downer has made it to the unbeatable mark of 800 posts :woohoo: ... we love you dave :kiss: because you type good :P

he would like to thank me as i have written this post of appreciation for him... hopefully he doesn't mind that i have used up post number 801 for dave


p.s. terry is an arab

Post edited by: blue_mako, at: 2006/07/26 18:47

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i feel the need to varify any uncerntanty as to why terry is beeing refered to as an 'arab'. i am faily sure that this is in no way discriminating arabs, so if there are any offended arabs, our deepest appologies go to you. terry is an 'arab' because troy and i in all our goodheartedness were relying on a lift home out of the rain after a good nights fishing. after reeling in our last fish, troy and i were searching for our lift home when, to our disbelief, i qoute 'r u f***ing seriouse' from troy, we saw our ride slowly sneaking away. this left troy and i to walk home a few k's with all our heavy equiptment. even after troy offered to pay for fuel, we were still denied what was promised to us at the start of the night. terry, ur an arab

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ANDO! :ohmy: What has Terry told you about double posting when no one has replied to your first post!!

Just for the record he drove off while we were packing up our stuff at 1am at Bretts Wharf leaving me and jordan there to carry our stuff home in the rain. Even after saying he will provide a lift.


Jordan: Yes, what you said sums it up perfectly.

Ando: Ando, all that will remain will be Terry's side of the story after he's deleted our side!

Also, remember we are still drifting off topic. I believe this post began about Dave's happy 800th post. Am I right?


Post edited by: blue_mako, at: 2006/07/26 19:30

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Boys. As a very smart man once said, then printed onto a shirt...\"S#%T Happens\". This website is about fishing, why we fish ,where we fish and to hopefully help others with their fishing. Little domestics should be left off the site.

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mad... i think ive set the record for the creator of the post with the quickest and most amount of replies...

now that the word is out i hope certain people have learnt there lessons....

no im not talking about the one you call 'terry' im talking about all you people out there who either cant spell or frequently double post!!! i am ashamed


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Ok guys thats enough, as has already been pointed out in this topic this is a fishing site!

I have made certain rules to keep some order to this site which i consider to be fair and reasonable. Posts like these make a mockery of them and is unfair to the rest of the members and users keen to talk fishing. Please keep your squabbling off the site and be fair to the other members.

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Im dissapointed a thread like this continued as long as it did.

Good work Ash on the quote.

Very true.



As Webmaster stated, there are rules on the forum that must be obeyed. These are no more strict than any other website forum. These rules are in place so everyone can enjoy the site. Making derogatory comments online is a very cowardly act. Thus i dont condone it in any shape way or form. Everyone here has picked up a tid bit somewhere along the line about fishing. I would like to see this continue without pettiniess coming into it.



Post edited by: Angus, at: 2006/07/26 21:52

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