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In no particular order:

* LCD Backpack

* Waterproof housing

* Extended battery (have a mount setup so you know angle is correct because not sure if u can run lcd as well)

* Broomstick/Telescopic pole with tripod mount for camera to get underwater shots

* Head/Chest mount perhaps (chest vision might be obscured)

* Some people like a flat housing to get rid of the fish eye effectd


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I am trying to organize a sweet deal at the moment (hopefull I'll be able to pass it on) Gopro and some kit packs for cheap.

I have a friend that is buying them for $80 each at the moment. Will keep you posted.

Disclaimer: This deal may fall through and go no where, I am promising "NOTHING", just trying to do what I can to pass on some sweet deals if I can get them.

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@51MPL, thanks mate... Getting the naked for Christmas so I know not much comes with it.

@chubbstar, mate sounds good good keep me in the loop if you could, cheers.


Hey Freshy, if you get the naked only, it will end up costing you more after you buy some attachments as oppose to buying one of the kits i.e. helmet or motorsports pack etc

I would recommend the motorsports pack. you get head attachments, a great suction cup mount (great for boats) plus many more

Paying the extra few bucks on the pack will save you heaps later.

You can buy a pole which is great for under water shots however i made one from a broom handle and then just bought the bike pole attachment and works a treat !!!

CHeers, manni

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