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Prop Swap 23p for 21p Stainless


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I need to drop from a 21 to a 19 or a 20 four blade

noooo because of the extra blade added it create alot more inertia. so you probly best droping to a 17 if your goin 4 blade. or get a 3 blade 19 and get it cupped that way you still will be known on the water as "fast eddie" :P but seriously down size the prop and cup it

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youll probly find you might even go quicker on top end, and out of the hole shot is absolutly insane theres a few reasons for this.by cuping a prop your creating the prop to now have a cork screw effect so its really biting the water and keeping the water on the face of the blades. where as on ya stocko props water does seem to find its way off the blade before it has exited the tip of the blade.

so by making more water stay on the face of the blade this creates more friction infact so much friction that the water acxtually boils on the outer tips of the blades but this only happens under extrem load like out of the hole or some serious off shore work in the biger stuff where you use the throtle in the low - mid range rpm.

now from the exta friction being created theres now air bubles that form from the tip back on the prop cased from the boiling water and because of these air bubbbles on the face of the blade friction on the prop is now reduced allowing the engigin to spool up to full rpm instantly but because the prop is cuped and has the cork screw effect and has plenty of bite the end result is enormous thrust and propulsion.

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