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Vicky point yaking sunday 18th


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hey all, Planing to wet my new toy this sunday at vicky point for a bit of a Pre fish before the KFT the following sunday.

Ive got a feeling ive got AFL on in the morning ( fingers crossed i dont) :pinch: but would still love to get out and fish anyway, so was thinking if anyone was up for a arvo fish? maybe like 2- 6 or 7 whenever. I know that Den, Dan, Ant and over large head :P were all keen for a morning sesh but would you fellas be keen to yak the arvo? all good if you cant :side:

But ill see fish the arvo if anyone is keen to tag alone :silly:

Runtty B)B)

so far..

Surfingant, Jords, Runty, Keen as fisho, Sunnydays, Jarryd, Plastic Fantasic... Anyone else?? qbkami?

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Hmmmm apparently in the KFT rules, it states there is a 5km radius pre-fish ban in place 7 days before each round. So my understanding is the ban starts this sunday........ link....http://www.kft.net.au/#rules

Maybe we should make it saturday to avoid any hassles.

hang on....

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, SAturday, and sunday... = 8

Monday, Tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday and suday = 7..

I think it may start monday not sunday??

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7 days back from 6.30 Sunday morning is still 6.30 Sunday morning.

I guess thats why Qld teachers are the lowest paid in the country. They used to teach us there were 7 days in a week, not 8, but maybe things have changes since I was a young whipper snapper

LOLZ, l8r peepz

In seriousness counting Saturday that technically takes you through to the start time Sunday so you are counting the eighth day (sunday) which takes you through to Monday.

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7 days back from 6.30 Sunday morning is still 6.30 Sunday morning.

I guess thats why Qld teachers are the lowest paid in the country. They used to teach us there were 7 days in a week, not 8, but maybe things have changes since I was a young whipper snapper

LOLZ, l8r peepz

In seriousness counting Saturday that technically takes you through to the start time Sunday so you are counting the eighth day (sunday) which takes you through to Monday.

depending if you count sunday or not... if you count the comp day its 7 from monday.

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