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gc canals, a big lizard and a very welcome suprise guest


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After the horrible session on sunday night chasing tailor and jew, Binzzy and I tonight decided we would take to the canals with a couple of fresh mullet and chase the usual bream and hopefully pick up some sly trevs or a jew along the way...

Our night started pretty slowly, with the water being very still and no activity at all, Binzzy picked up a tiny rat fingermark and we were preparing ourselves for another slow night.

Suddenly both Binzzy's rods started running and he had a massive battle with something that just took off towards open water peeling off line... Considering amount of those dirty eels with the giant teeth (conga eels I think??) I was preparing to see another one of those monsters at the end of the line, alas I was wrong when I saw the flash of red and up comes a 52cm jack!!

About 2 minutes later I was casting at another snag and my line just started peeling off like no tomorrow, despite running 10LB main line with 20lb leader and a relatively loose drag whatever this beast was just dusted me.

Re rigged, and very shortly after my rod took a hell of a bang while slow retrieving and shot off, up comes a 63cm flathead.

The rest of the night was fairly quiet with the occasional rat bream and every now again getting hit out of no where by steam trains coming out of the snags just busting us off every single time. Whatever they were they would run straight to open water and just punish with the slightest tension on the line. Good fun but frustrating as hell!

Best session I've had this year!



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Well done boys some nice fish there

No photo of you guys holding your fish at your Spot X this time haha.

If your fishing the same spot as last time. Theres big jacks n cod there. We have being smoked using 60-80 lb leaders. Hard to get them out from top of bridge. There should be alot of trevelly there on top of tide. Try using vibes youl get them

Cheers for report


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