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well mate cross at high tide more water over it , it gets quite dangerous when the wind picks up , just stay over the side and observe it for a bit, make sure you go through the propermarked bouys otherwise youre screwed, its prettyeasy just have a look at some others crossing first.


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Bar schmar.

The river entrance got a bit interesting crossing at night a few months ago but it is back to normal now after dredging. You will be fine going out any tide day or night providing that swell is not big and doesn't have any northerly in it. (Extremely unlikely)

Have a look at the charts found on the last page of each pdf:

June this year:


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thanks guys!

went out to the inner gneerings and found a plauge of scorpion cod and a pearl perch then moved out to the outer gneerings and found a big school of feeding mack tuna, lol ended up with about 30 tuna all around 1kg =D was alot of fun on really light gear. thanks for the charts too they are awesome

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