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Bay breamin' (report is actually up now)


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Hey guys,

On Saturday morning Runty and I hit the bay for a much needed fish now that exams are all over. We hit the water at around 7am and decided to fish some shallow water on the incoming tide with surface lures. After half a dozen or so casts my NW pencil was engulfed after a couple of missed strikes and the first bream of the day around 28cm tip length was landed.

On the very next cast I had another touch and with a short pause the fish came back and sucked the lure down.

Runty was soon in on the act as well with a 26ish fish taken on a DUO poco poco.


We continued fishing with a good little session underway and Runty managed another bream going 32 tip. Not long after and he was on again and this time it was a slightly better fish, giving him a run for his money as it swam round the trees. Runty was able to get it out however and a chunky 34cm bream was in the net.

We found an area with plenty of jelly prawns scattering and landed a few more fun-sized fish. In the mix Runty caught a very nice 30cm whiting, his first on surface.

to be continued...

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By this time the tide was becoming too low and we had to move into deeper water. It was time for me to play a bit of catch up after Runty’s successes and I changed to a 50mm Maria jerkbait. After a fair few filthy pike and small squire between us I was smashed and after a good tussle landed a 32cm breambo.



Cranking hardbodies into the reef proved to be the order of the day with the distraction of the odd bust-up of baitfish here and there. The bream kept on coming and a number of 30cm+ fish were landed. Although things were slow at times, the overall quality of fish was quite good, with our best 5 all being over 30cm. In the end an inbred-looking 36cm bream was the best for the day. A great day was had with plenty of laughs, bring on summer and more surface breaming!






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