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Brissie River Virgin!!


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Hi Fellas

Got a green card for Friday to take the boat out and really need to bring some fish home to prove my "hunting and gathering" skills . We have our first due soon and need to show my MAN skills still stand :)

Going to drop in the brissie river for the first time on Friday wind report looks awesome and have a mate coming as well.

Looking at fishing the sunken wall or maybe the rock wall at the mouth could any one enlighten me on any current reports or suggest my best bet on general areas to try and pick up some fish!!.. I'll have bait and SP'S will pack a few pots in as well , fresh burley going all out!!

Any advice ,areas ,marks, abuse welcome



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There should be heaps of bream around the sunken rock wall currently unweighted baits right on top of it should get some. Otherwise head out to the front rockwall with plastics and bait should get you some fish. Squire should be there in the morning or for the tide change.

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Hi Fellas

Got a green card for Friday to take the boat out and really need to bring some fish home to prove my "hunting and gathering" skills . We have our first due soon and need to show my MAN skills still stand :)...

mate, don`t beat yourself up. Look on IVF as a gift, not a challenge :)

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If you have a cast net use your "gathering" skills to get a few livies. When the tide slows down use as light a sinker as possible and fish around the areas mentioned or on the edge of the dropoffs along the pipeline and the green beacon near the poop shoot using a running sinker and at least 20lb leader, and rig the livie using a circle hook suited to the size of the bait. If your lucking you may get a nice jewfish or thready big enough to feed a small tribe ;)

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