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Advice on Nth Queensland barra charter

Ben Derecki

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Hey guys

Over the next couple of weeks I'll be heading north through Qld and want to have a crack at an impoundment barra while I'm there. I understand the peak season has passed but they're still around in the winter months, just not as hungry so they're harder to find.

I was thinking that it might be better to drive on by Monduran and Awoonga and hit up Tinaroo when I get up Cairns way. My thinking is if I'm going to maximise my chances I'd be better off trying where it's the warmest...

Can anyone who knows better give me a bit of direction on this?

Also if you know any guides / charters up there that come recommended let me know?


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Of course.

Not just because he is the sponsor though but from first hand experience. The session we had with him was epic and I have literally never had a guide do more to put us onto fish.

Now, we went during the tuna run but, I have seen plenty of Barra session images he does up there as well. He does catch a lot of snapper up that way as well but coming from WA this may not interest you...

This time time of year I see he has been getting plenty of big goldens as well.


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