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BFFC August meeting


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Just a quick reminder that this month's meeting is on WENESDAY 21st August. Proceedings will kick off at 18:30 or 6:30pm. Sausages available on the night for $2.

Venue as always is the Wilston-Grange AFC

End of Babarra St, Stafford QLD 4030

Presentation: North Island Trout

This week Lance Zivec will be giving us talk about all you need to know about targeting NZ trout, especially in his beloved river, the Ruakituri . Gear, flies, techniques will be covered. Lance also has a house over there and we are assured can be available for very reasonable rates ;) After the talk Lance also has a 15min video of fishing the Ruakituri.

Club Outing

The next outing is Hayes Inlet in September. More details to follow

See you there.



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