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Fishing trip to Arnhemland


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Hey Dean, no experience with that lot but they look good.

Another package to consider is Ben Currell's Vision Sportsfishing.

I know he is putting together some trip deep into Arnhemland using a house boat as a mother ship.

I have fished in other parts of NT with Ben before and highly rate her service. I would be doing one of these trips myself next year but an opportunity came up to fish somewhere else I could not resist.


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The Barramundi Nature Lodge is owned by Alex Julius. Some like him, some don't....that might sway your opinion?

Another to look at (which is where my money would probably go) is http://www.darrensbarra.com.au/index.asp Darren has been running charters for about 15 years but has just started up Dhipirri Lodge and as a new competitor in the Arnhemland area, I'm sure he would be only too eager to please. I have no affiliation, I just prefer the less 'corporate' operators.

His name escapes me, but there was also a guide running out of Ramingining. If I re-call i post his details, but google might be your friend here.

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I did 5 days with Darwin barra base and did barra in the Finis river and plenty of other species including black Jew and sil fish ,it was 5 days of unreal fishing Allan Beale is the owner and he has a number of boats and gets around to where the fish are biting .he is rebound for his ability to find the fish . Have a look at his site it has a heap of info ,it's not cheap but it's all inclusive including packing your fillets for the flight home I bought back 18 kg of clean fillets it was fantastic....Matt

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Hey Dean, no experience with that lot but they look good.

Another package to consider is Ben Currell's Vision Sportsfishing.

I know he is putting together some trip deep into Arnhemland using a house boat as a mother ship.

I have fished in other parts of NT with Ben before and highly rate her service. I would be doing one of these trips myself next year but an opportunity came up to fish somewhere else I could not resist.


Hey mate here the link for this one as well.

Once again no affiliation except for having used him before with great results both fish wise and company.



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