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Ewen Maddock Fish Stockers Challenge - 15 & 16th March


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From Dave -

Working behind the scenes more so this year has seen me especially busy in the past ten weeks in the preparation for our annual competition next year. I’d like to happily inform you all that SEQ Water has approved our application to hold the event on the 15th and 16th of March next year. I still have a pile of paperwork to get through and forms to sign etc. but it’s all go for those dates.

Due to being extremely busy leading up to Xmas and holidaying in the new year I’d like to take competitors nominations from Monday the 13th of January, this should give me enough time to collaborate all the nomination forms, rules of the event and all other legalities set out by QAFCA and SEQ Water, however in the mean time spread the word please as a date claimer. In the coming days I’ll be doing just that, expressing the date to keep clear for all angling kayakers through our FB page and other social media, along with fishing forums.

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