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Big Jewfish- Dundee Beach Saturday 15/3


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G'day AFOers. Fished Dundee (2hrs drive from Darwin) on Saturday with Matt at Dundee Beach Fishing Charters for the best days fishing of my life. Bottom bashing produced plenty of good size goldies, a decent coral trout, and other usual suspects like cod, cattys, blue salmon, black jewfish, sharks and bream.

Heaps of bait on the surface at one stage, 2 mins of trolling and a double hook up of spanish macs. Still waiting for the pic of them off my mates camera. Hung around there for a bit throwing slugs on the surface at a stupid amount of spotty macs. Got a nice mac tuna as well which was later converted into jewwies.

After heaps of fun with the macs we moved to the jewwie spot. I easily upgraded my previous pb with a 125cm, 36lb fish. I got another one 122cm and 32lb. Other 2 jew caught were another around 120cm and one 110cm. Had so much fun fighting those monsters, I managed to hook another one that I lost not far from the boat. It was going to be returned anyway as we had enough.

I have my own boat but will definitely be fishing with Matt again, it was an amazing day that didn't have the "charter" feel about it. With only 3 of us fishing it was the perfect size boat and it was completely up to us what sort of fishing we wanted to do. With Brendan desperately wanting to catch a jewwie Matt knew exactly when and where to go to get them. There were plenty more on the sounder when we left, what an incredible fishery it is at Dundee.

We'll be eating fish for a while! Spewing I didn't take more photos of the goldies and other species, was in too much of a rush to get another bait back down! Cheers










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