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Brief Easter Report


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Not a whole lot of fishing was done over the break but I did manage to sneak over to Straddy for a couple of days. Again, not a lot of fishing was done haha probably about 4 hours all up. The first session was a brief one whilst going for a walk with my girlfriend. Of course I had a fishing rod in hand! About 10 minutes resulted in a nice fat bream and moses perch. I ummed and ahh'd about keeping the bream for dinner as I don't usually like to keep them, but decided to in the end.

The spot


The Moses


The Bream


The next day I gave it a better shot but it was just one of those days when nothing seemed to go right. Snags, then wind knots blah blah blah. I was watching a big pack of mackerel busting up just out of casting distance and then they came into range briefly... You guessed it I got a wind knot when I cast out at them and missed my chance. I managed another little moses and that was about it. Better than nothing! 

Hope everyone had a good Easter

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