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First Time Fishing Austrailia


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I am from South Texas looking for a little friendly advice. Heading to Australia for the first time picking up a nephew who has been working on a farm outside of Brisbane. We will be spending some time in Brisbane and would like to do a little offshore charter fishing....bottom fishing, trolling...whatever is biting. We will be there May 3 through May 9. Any suggestions on good offshore services would be appreciated. Also...have a few days to kill, so any other suggestions on places to go, good restaurants, and most of all good pubs/bars would also be appreciated. Like you   Aussies we appreciate a tight line and a cold beer! Thanks!

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I would suggest this one for charters

Contact Robert on 0407 574 868 or email info@smithysfishing.com.au to book.

Robert Smith is a pretty good operator and he works from the Sunshine Coast about 90 minutes north of Brissie. As for bars and restaurants, can't help you much sorry mate, but worth going in to Southbank in the city to have a look around.

Hope your stay is a good one.

regards jim

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I don't know much about fishing charter options but have lived in Brisbane a really long time. What sort of food are you into? Do you prefer nature or cities? Do you like walking or would you rather drive somewhere?

I can give you a few ideas and others can chime in if they disagree

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If you enjoy craft beers I'd try Archive Beer Boutique in West End. It seems like there is a new beer or whisky bar or trendy restaurant opening every other day in Brisbane at the moment, so I'm hesitant to recommend anything else too much but I will say the standard is getting better haha.



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