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Driving On Straddie


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hey guys, 

have only had a short drive on main beach at straddie before and heading back there next month. 

Question i have is can you get to the pin easy enough if you drive the length on main ? also is it worth the distance for a fish down that end ?




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17 hours ago, K-Lub said:

hey guys, 

have only had a short drive on main beach at straddie before and heading back there next month. 

Question i have is can you get to the pin easy enough if you drive the length on main ? also is it worth the distance for a fish down that end ?




Yeah man it is a cool place.

Worth seeing.

Plenty of gutters along the way for dart and whiting.

Seems to be more big flatties in the gutters towards the pin (and jew but I am not experienced with them).

It is an easy drive at low tide but gets soft at high. Best case scenario is to drive down on an incoming fish the high and drive back on the out.



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