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Peel Island Jew


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Made a decision this morning to go chase some squid around the back of peel island, I went to bcf bought some jigs and headed out. On my way I pulled up at a spot thought stuff it I'll have a quick fish.i wasn't catching much but it seemed like a perfect spot to fish the sunset so I scrapped squid and stayed. I caught a couple of parrot fish and started floating pillies out the back on a handline where I lost a decent snapper at the boat it seemed to spit the hook. I then noticed a heap of bait about and started jigging caught a few herring put them on live and had no luck. There started to be a lot of surface action so I changed to a zman pink glow minnow smothered in X factor  and was flicking into the bait ball again with no luck so I started bouncing it along the bottom and my rod took off, took me a while to stop the run and get it under control judging by the head shakes I thought I had finally hooked onto a monster snapper only to be surprised when I pulled up a massive jewie. Measured it up in the boat and it went longer than the 90cm sticker on the side of my boat by the time I had it home and it had shrunk it still went a respectable 92cm. All in all was a great afternoon. So much for not fishing this weekend 




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