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Hinze Western Arm 12/5/16


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Back to the old stamping grounds with Rick this morning.
It was a bit cool so wearing uggies and trackies to keep warm.
We still had a few shrimp left over from last trip so we headed straight into the trees at Ians island and found the bass straight away. We had 20 bass and 2 tandans by 8 oclock when they went off the bite so we then moved over to near where we had the shrimp traps and pulled another 15 bass when they slowed down .
By this time it had warmed up a bit so we then pulled the shrimp traps and moved them to a different location hopefully away from the sharefarmers.
The wind had got up a bit but there were some fish showing on the sounder and after a bit of maneuvering we managed to tie up to a tree and once again got into the fish.
We persevered for around 1/2 hour but it was too uncomfortable with the wind and chop so we called it a day.
Final tally 45 bass (best 46cm and 38 of them over 35cm)
and 2 tandans plus shrimp left over for next trip.




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