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Hinze Western Arm 19/5/16


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Back to the western arm this morning with Rick.
Quite a nice sunrise made the trip worthwhile even if we did not get many fish.:whistle:




DSCN0027 (640x480).jpgDSCN0028.JPGWe did our shrimp traps that we had moved to avoid the sharefarmers and were rewarded with the best lot of shrimp for ages.

Took Rick almost as long to cull the grunter out as it took to pull the pots.

 Reckon we averaged 30 shrimp per pot but gee there were a lot of small barred grunter mixed in with them.
Then we had the bonus of catching 50 bass most of which were in the high 30s, Best bass only went 43cm and only 2 under.
We knocked off around 10.30 after we caught 4 tandans in succession so a very enjoyable day.



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