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howdy howdy


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hi all,

well i havent been online for like eleventy billion years due to my assistant being overseas for the past 2 months so i have been slammed at work.

but hopefully that should change now as she is back on monday.

so whats been happening? how did the october shrk fishing go at kooka?

for me i havent been out in the boat for the past 6 weeks duie to the weather gods.

We went out in the mates boat over the bar last weekend for a bit of fun then came back into the bay and chased the mack for 2 hours.... we probably got to cast over the school 15 times and didnt get one hook up, we were throwing the slugs with wire traces is this a bad idea? we couldnt seem to realise why we couldnt get a hook up.

any shark fishing adventures coming up soon?

talk to yall laters.


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Welcome back. The kooka trip did go ahead, but from what I heard, not much was caught. Sometimes Tuna/Mackerel will never take a lure, but it is also possible that you were casting the wrong sized slug. You have to match the size and shape of the bait fish reasonably well to entice a strike.

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