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Report 13.8.16 - Victoria Point/coochiemudlo Island


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This is my report for todays fishing at Victoria Point/Coochiemudlo Island 13/8/2016

After much deliberation with my fishing mate "The repardud bearded man" we decided to fish Viccy point over a proven and little known Bass filled waterhole which shall remain nameless at this point. There was debate about which path we should take, but being the season we thought that the salt would be safer.... and of course a couple of stonker breambo never go astray right?

We got down there about 11:00am... paddle just out from the boat ramp at Victoria Point. My first over of the day goes through without a wicket (6 casts)... dang. I used a savage gear crab. Meanwhile the repardud bearded man chose a pink grub. After about 3 casts from him I hear screaming of "oh yep.... yep..... oh fudge yeah im on.... yep... yep" The first fish is caught and its a decent Pike. We stay around for about 20 mins casting where he got the Pike (usually they school ya know?)... nothing...

We paddled over to Coochiemudlo island and lures are changed, me a motor oil grubz and the reparded bearded gentleman a hardbody crank. The wind picked up... wasnt great. we drifted down the island casting into the drop offs just off the beach.... nothing..... not even a tap from bait fish...

The wind picks up even more and it becomes harder to paddle.... I recall that the wind predictions for today were pretty low... again Willyweather failed me. My spirit has been broken and  the bearded man is depressed with suggestions of going back in after around 50 casts each.

Victoria Point, what can I say about this fish wasteland.... I CAUGHT NOTHING..... NOTHING... AGAIN...

Guys, I wont fish this place again. Never again. Its a waste of time. Pfffft Bream on the flats??... your about as much chance as catching one as you are having fun on a gamecube.....

Peace out motherdudes... and remember... the reperdid bearded man does not forgot... nor does he forgive.... my word he is handsome too. 

BTW if anyone wanted to know of this bass spot, its not a dam but actually a creek off the albert... known locally as "gutsdrop creek"... thats all you are getting.

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I have always done well as evidenced by this old report (and there will be a few older ones on here as well), although I haven't fished it for a little while. I wouldn't personally fish it this time of year as it just after the completion of the spawning season for bream and they are scattered and in poor condition, and it is more of an autumn and early winter location for flathead and tailor. 


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