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Trump For Castration!


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I don't usually get into politics too much because I feel so strongly about some issues that it's far too frustrating when I alone can't change the ridiculous and unjust.

This isn't about politics - this is about a person in the spotlight who has a microphone linked to the world and feels it's his birthright to use his power to comment on anything he likes with ZERO knowledge of the subject and on such sensitive life threatening issues.

His latest spat in front of a military audience was along the lines of 'PTSD only affects the weak'

My father is a Vietnam Vet and I have nothing but respect for any military personal; whether they are reserves, administrative, currently serving, veterans, family & friends of soldiers or particularly those who have sacrificed their lives for their country and their loved ones left behind.

Come ANZAC day each year you will find me roadside supporting a March and a blubbering mess on seeing my Dad march past laden with the shimmering rainbow of his trophies pinned to his suit. The only recognition and reward for selflessly volunteering as a 19 year old boy to put his life in danger for the sake of others and fighting so my children don't have to.

John Williamson can be heard blaring alongside me all day with prayers and thanks for the sacrifices of these brave people.

Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome is VERY REAL and EXTREMELY SERIOUS.  Thankfully I will never be able to empathise with a sufferer but I can accept, listen and support these people by promoting the fact that we as a community and country need to acknowledge that PTSD and Mental Illness transends age, gender, creed, religion and politics.  It is completely undeserved but it unfortunately a risk that every person takes entering the armed services.

There are now some excellent support services for those affected and shoutout to VVCS a Government Funded counselling service.

This being a site mainly consisting of men I'm certain many of you have either served, or have family above and below you, or a friend who has, and I just want to let you know from a personal place that I appreciate and thank every single one of you. Thanks is such an insignificant word and the price can never be repaid but me and my children will ALWAYS give respect to you.



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