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Ningi Creek With Ferg - Orstrala Day


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Well Ferg and I hit up Ningi creek, great weather, perfect tide, all in all a great day. Got a few fish to keep us interested, watching the locals  skiing in 18 inches of water over the mud flats held a lot of promise of some Darwin type action, but alas, not while we were watching. Forgot to take a picture of them, it was an impressive sight with a 2m Australian flag mounted on a make shift flag pole on top of the boat.

The flathead were small, didnt really put much of a bend in the rods, but the grunters were bigger and pulled some drag. Got a few of each. Ferg started the morning with a real pinkie slapper of a whiting, and was going for variety, I think he ended up catching 5 or 6 different species by the end of the day. apart from Ferg's huge whiting on lure which was caught in 2m of water, all the other fish we caught were very shallow, less than 60cm under the kayaks, and even then casting towards the bank or in to the mangroves.

Called it about 11am, as did a lot of other fisho's, pretty constant stream of people heading for home at the ramp. I think it was by far the busiest I had seen the area, the car park was full. Normally 4 or 5 cars would be a big day, must of been dozens today. Everyone enjoying a beautiful public holiday!















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