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Offshore Point Lookout


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With the forecast looking so good, couldn't resist heading offshore today to try my luck in the lottery. 

Launched a 3:30 and at the bar by 4:30ish... After a false start crossing the bar, second go we were outside and chasing livies. They've gone to town as we couldn't find any, off to the next location, waverider... Got out there in good time but there was no waveriders, very weird.

Played around the group for the rest of the day for a nice mixed bag. Stand out grounds this trip was Middle reef. Also got my first Squire on a plastic. Had to work hard for the fish, that's for sure.

As things come in three's, I lost my anchor at boat rock as well... 


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43 minutes ago, Angus said:

Nice feed at least. Did the squid just get onto baits?

They followed my plastic up to the boat. I quickly changed to a squid jig and got the first one. After that I switched to bait and let the squid jig dead stick. Another came up to the boat so we put the jig near him and got it. 

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11 minutes ago, demarc said:

They followed my plastic up to the boat. I quickly changed to a squid jig and got the first one. After that I switched to bait and let the squid jig dead stick. Another came up to the boat so we put the jig near him and got it. 

Nice. I might try for a land based one on the point. Would have to be a killer kingy livie.

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11 minutes ago, Angus said:

Nice. I might try for a land based one on the point. Would have to be a killer kingy livie.

They were on Middle reef, so close to shore. Was a toss up on dinner or bait... We compromised and cleaned them on boat and sent heads down. Had two big runs but I think the hook was too small as we didn't convert to fish. 

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54 minutes ago, demarc said:

They were on Middle reef, so close to shore. Was a toss up on dinner or bait... We compromised and cleaned them on boat and sent heads down. Had two big runs but I think the hook was too small as we didn't convert to fish. 

Heads are the best bit :P

This was my effort yesterday.


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6 hours ago, Drop Bear said:

Nice is that a speckled morning? I think they are called spotted hinde on straddie? I have only ever caught these on crabs off the rocks. Did it take a plastic?

Mother in law actually. Took bait. I only got one snap on plastics. I'm a bait guy, but this year I'll learn more with plastics. 

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6 hours ago, Drop Bear said:

Nice is that a speckled morning? I think they are called spotted hinde on straddie? I have only ever caught these on crabs off the rocks. Did it take a plastic?

I think mother in law and spotted worwong are the same thing. I have got a few on plastics land based at Straddy.

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15 hours ago, Angus said:

Nice feed at least. Did the squid just get onto baits?

Haha, I saw this report last night and didn't notice the squid hoods in the photo. Was quite confused by your post @Angus so I went back and re-read Julians report, then noticed them ........ Looks the squid action is starting to heat up - giddee up, I want to catch more of them this year, yum!!

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