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Seq Water Recreation Newsletter


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Copy of seq water recreation newsletter, Quite a few changes

ubject: Recreation Newsletter March 2017
Date: 22/03/2017 8:52 am
From: recreationreview <recreationreview@seqwater.com.au>



March 2017


Achievements of the Recreation Review – three years of progress

In 2013-14, Seqwater conducted a large scale community consultation project known as the Recreation Review. We grouped lakes that are in close proximity into ‘clusters’ and examined the type, mix and amount of recreation activities on offer. More than 2,500 survey responses were received and numerous consultation sessions conducted. A report for each group was produced which highlighted some of the key improvements each community said they felt would benefit recreation in the area. You can read these reports online. Many of these improvements were made possible through funding from the Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing.


Some of the group specific highlights include:


Cluster 1 – Atkinson, Somerset and Wivenhoe

·         A designated swimming area was established at Lake Atkinson in early 2014.

·         At Lake Somerset, a 6 knot gazette area was established in the northern end of the lake to improve safety and allow fishers and kayakers to recreate safely in this area. To help support this initiative, a new access point at Westvale Road was built so that small fishing vessels and paddle craft can launch directly into this 6 knot area. A new playground was also installed at The Spit, enriching this family friendly day use area.

·         At Lake Wivenhoe, a 6 knot on-water speed limit for low emission fuel powered vessels was established and those wanting to pursue more high octane activities encouraged to visit Lake Somerset. Two designated stop off points with picnic facilities were established for paddle craft users. The Billies Bay and Hays Landing recreation area was refurbished and opened to the public in late 2016. The area features a range of facilities including a boat ramp, swimming area, toilet amenities, parking and ample picnicking facilities.

·         The boating permit scheme for Lake Somerset and Lake Wivenhoe will be phased out, and the scheme discontinued from 1 August 2017. This will bring the access policies for these lakes back in line with our other sites and allow recreation users to enjoy on-water access without the cost of a permit.


Cluster 2 – Kurwongbah and Samsonvale

·         Paddle craft were permitted access to Lake Kurwongbah in late 2014. To support this change, a new designated launch point and wash down facility was established at Mick Hanfling Park, fishing was permitted from kayaks, and updated signage was installed.

·         In mid 2016, a new car park was established at the end of Postman’s Track at Lake Samsonvale, and more than 7km of fire break trails were opened for public multi-use access. An extensive study was untaken at Lake Samsonvale to determine whether opening the lake to public paddling would have an impact on the drinking water quality. The study determined an increase in paddle craft could be accommodated, and discussions are underway to investigate possible launch points and other details of the potential arrangement.


Cluster 3 – Maroon, Moogerah and Wyaralong

·         In late 2014, we established a new paddle craft launch point in the Maroon day use area and permitted visitors to bring their dogs on a leash to the area.

·         Lake Moogerah received numerous upgrades including: a designated swimming area at Muller Park, the establishment of a 6 knot speed limit for two arms of the lake and dogs were permitted on a leash at Haigh Park. In addition, the picnic facilities were upgraded with a ceremonial structure, new bollards, resurfacing of the car park and new gardens.

·         Seven new shade shelters were installed at Meebun Day Use Area at Lake Wyaralong, along with the new car park and toilet facilities at the improved Eastern Trail Access. Additional multi-use trails were also established.


Cluster 4 – Baroon and Ewen Maddock

·         The upper reaches of Lake Baroon were opened up to paddle craft in early 2014, and the Martin Williams Walk was extended in early 2015.

·         Throughout 2014 many changes were implemented at Ewen Maddock, including the installation of a new wash down facility, improved paddle craft access and parking facilities. The Gympie Street North entry point to the trail network was improved with new entry fences and the local council laid new road base. In addition, Seqwater will be installing a new toilet block over the coming months at the Ornamental Wetlands area to facilitate use of the adjacent mountain bike trails in Beerwah State Forest.


Cluster 5 – Enoggera, Gold Creek and Manchester

·         Many of the 2014 upgrades at Enoggera were done in conjunction with Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS), including: a new paddle craft launch point, allowing fishing from paddle craft and establishing a picnic area. Trail signage and mapping is still being investigated.

·         Gold Creek received some basic picnic facilities, and an updated orientation sign is currently being installed. More signage updates are anticipated for the area.

·         Recreation users can now fish from paddle craft on Lake Manchester with a new paddle craft launch point installed. In addition, the picnic area has been refurbished with two new gas BBQs, three new rubbish bins and repairs to picnic tables. The trail linkage has been improved so that trail users no longer need to use Lake Manchester Road and we have some signage and mapping updates on the horizon.


Cluster 6 – Cooloolabin and Wappa

·         Cooloolabin Dam received a security upgrade with a lockable gate as well as new signage and upgraded picnic and playground facilities.

·         The picnic and playground facilities were also upgraded at Wappa with an additional revamp of the toilet system.


Cluster 7 – Clarendon and Dyer

·         Some exciting new changes took place in 2015 at Lake Clarendon with a new bird watching trail established adjacent to the dam wall, paddling and fishing becoming approved recreation activities as well as the installation of a new launch point.

·         A new swimming area was established at Lake Dyer in 2015 and signage throughout the recreation area was improved. Seqwater is also currently investigating the installation of a graded track below the dam wall linking the caravan park to the golf course.


Cluster 9 – Borumba and Macdonald

·         Borumba underwent a significant upgrade in mid-2016 with a new double lane boat ramp constructed in August. To further extend this ramp, Stage 2 will begin construction in the next few months and should be completed by mid-2017. The 6-knot speed limit for timbered areas was investigated and approved by Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ), but further consultation with the community indicated the change was not supported.

·         Improvements have been made to the wash-down facilities and picnic areas at both Lake Macdonald Park and Mary River Cod Park at Lake Macdonald. These upgrades included a new BBQ, horse hitching rail and landscaping in 2015 and resealing the car parks in 2016. Dogs were also permitted on leash at Lake Macdonald Park from late 2014.


Cluster 10 – Hinze

·         Numerous upgrades have taken place at Hinze Dam during the last three years, including: the installation of new shade shelters and picnic tables, new rigging/de-rigging areas at the Eastern and Western boat ramps, signage improvements, the formalisation of a trail entry point on Advancetown Road, a new paddle craft launch point at the Western Boat Ramp, the installation of a soft-fall rubber surface under the playground and allowing dogs on leash at Picnic Parkland and Pocket Park.


Across all areas, Seqwater have updated the opening hours for all recreation areas (excluding Lake Dyer) after an extensive trial period with community feedback. The opening hours were changed from 6am to 6pm throughout the year to be 5:30am – 6:30pm September to April and 6:00am to 5:30pm May to August. This change allows recreation users to enjoy an additional 180 hours of recreation time a year.


The implementation of the majority of outcomes from the Recreation Review represents a huge achievement and milestone for all the members of the community who participated in this process. Together we have achieved many positive outcomes for all of our lakes and recreation areas that should benefit the community for years to come. We are always on the look out for ways to continually improve our recreation areas. Exciting new projects are on the horizon, so stay tuned for updates! As always if you have any feedback, please call our Recreation team on 1800 737 928 or email recreation@seqwater.com.au.






Remember to play it safe at our dams, lakes and parks over the Easter long weekend. It’s one of the busiest times of year at our lakes, and we want everyone to have fun and go home safely.



Good news for paddlers at Lake Samsonvale

The results are in from the 2014 Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) at Lake Samsonvale, which was an Australian-first study and took two years to complete.  The study determined the lake is able to support the introduction of public paddling without impacting drinking water quality. This is fantastic news for the community and paddle craft enthusiasts looking to access Lake Samsonvale.  Seqwater will be working with local recreation clubs, neighbours and the Moreton Bay Regional Council over the coming months to carefully plan these changes. The location for the new public access launch point has yet to be finalised, and the timing of these changes relies heavily on the outcome of community consultation as well as securing funding to construct the new launch point. Swimming will remain a prohibited activity for Lake Samsonvale, and the restricted access zone between the overhead power lines and the dam wall will remain in place, with water based activities prohibited in this area.


If you would like more information about this project or would like to provide feedback, please contact the Seqwater Community Relations team on (07) 3035 5500 or email communications@seqwater.com.au.


Borumba boat ramp upgrade - Stage 2

The falling water level at Lake Borumba is not all bad news for boaties! The lower water levels have allowed Seqwater to prepare for the construction of stage 2 of the Borumba boat ramp upgrade. Stage 2 will extend the boat ramp by approximately 10 metres, allowing recreation users to launch vessels for longer as the water level drops. It is expected that construction will commence around late April or early May, and should be completed by mid year without any unforeseen delays or weather events.


Remember to always check the recreation and safety notices on our website before planning a trip to one of our recreation areas. You can access the recreation and safety notices web page here.


Changes to camping at Lake Wyaralong

Families and visitors to the Meebun day use area will have noticed the absence of backpackers and campers frequenting Meebun since the 8 free campsites were closed at the end of January. The sites were the cause of numerous compliance and hygiene issues including the misuse of toilet facilities, environmental damage, illegal activity and vandalism. The closure of this site as a camping area has made the Meebun day use area cleaner, safer and more family friendly. It is also the first step in the implementation of a master plan for recreation at Lake Wyaralong.


For any campers looking for other camp grounds around Lake Wyaralong, there is the Ngumbi remote camping area which can be accessed via the multi-use trails (no vehicles), as well as the Lilybrook Recreation Area which can be accessed via Beaudesert-Boonah Road. Camping at Lilybrook is for event use only and requires a booking. For any enquiries or to make a booking for an event, please contact the recreation team on 1800 737 928 or email recreation@seqwater.com.au.


Playground upgrade at Meebun

Last month the playground at Meebun day use area was upgraded with a new rubber soft fall product. The standard bark mulch that was installed previously required significant upkeep, as it was frequently washed away by stormwater and could potentially conceal hazards such as broken glass and the edging could present a trip hazard. The new state-of-the-art rubber soft fall is a safe and low maintenance solution, and should keep this family friendly recreation area safe for many years to come!



New campground management at Wivenhoe and Somerset

Three of our more popular campgrounds, Somerset Park, Captain Logan Camp and Lumley Hill, are under new management. Parks and Resorts Operational Management will assume management from Wednesday 29 March 2017. The existing pricing structure will remain in place until 1 July 2017, at which point they will be subject to change.


In preparation for the changeover, the Captain Logan and Lumley Hill campgrounds have been revamped, with updated signage to be installed prior to the Easter holiday period. Campsite locations at Lumley Hill have changed, with new campsites opening up around the amenities block, and others along the foreshore being removed. Issues with erosion and damage to the natural area motivated the change, and it is hoped that by removing the campsites situated along the sloping foreshore that we can rehabilitate the area to its former glory. The reduction in the number of campsites also brings the campground capacity back in-line within the facilities’ limitations.


You can access an information fact sheet with maps of the campsites on our website.


For bookings or enquiries at Captain Logan and Lumley Hill campgrounds, please phone 0428 310 740 or email Wivenhoe.camping@seqwater.com.au.


For bookings or enquiries at Somerset Park campground, please phone 0428 180 450 or (07) 5426 0186, or email Somerset.parkcamping@seqwater.com.au.


New amenities block for mountain bike riders

The new toilet block at Ewen Maddock’s Ornamental Wetland is expected to be finished and operational in the next 3 - 4 months. The Ornamental Wetlands serves as a launching point for Mountain Bike Riders heading to the Ferny Forest Trails in Beerwah State Forest, and though there is ample parking available there were previously no amenities. It is hoped that this new facility will make the trails more accessible to the community. This project was made possible through funding from the Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing.


If you would like more information about this project, please contact 1800 737 928 or email recreation@seqwater.com.au.


Planned burns season has begun

During the cooler months, Seqwater will be conducting planned burns around our dams, lakes and parks. The planned burn program began in March and will continue until September. During this time, we may close trails and other recreation areas in the interest of public safety. Please be aware of the following important information:

·         Smoke may drift and can stay around for up to one week after the burn, subject to weather conditions

·         If you have a respiratory health condition, please follow the advice of your health practitioner and, if applicable, carry reliever medication with you at all times during the burn period

·         During the burn, in case of an emergency, please call triple zero (000).


Each burn is conducted in accordance with a Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) burn permit, which outlines the ideal temperature, wind speed and direction, and humidity conditions to conduct the burn. As these conditions can change at very short notice, the decision to proceed with a burn can often only be made the day before a burn. For this reason, Seqwater will deliver a notice card to neighboring properties the day before a planned burn, once pre-burn checks have confirmed the burn can go ahead.


Please remember to check the recreation and safety notices on our website for information about upcoming planned burns and any changes to recreation when visiting our dams, lakes and parks. For more information about the planned burn program, email communications@seqwater.com.au or phone 1800 771 497.

Alternatively, a full list of proposed


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