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Fishing Murphy Reef


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Hey fellas, 

have been doing quite a bit of fishing around Raper shoals at the moment which started off good now I'm just reeling in small baitfish and juvenile sweetlip and all sorts but ak keen to tackle some larger fish around Murphy reef.

 Having a look at the chart plotter and sounding around for quite a while we could not manage to find any spikes or rough ground to the extent of what we saw at raper shoals. We fished for a little bit at what we was was flat ground and caught a few Tuskfish which shocked us as we could not see anything but flat on the sounder. 

Any tips of what to look for out there or certain locations your willing to send me as a reference or starting point would be amazing.



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Doing some research will give you the starting points then spend the time sounding and trying different places. 

There are many reefs off Mooloolaba that the GPS marks are available on the net.

Building up your own marks is the best way. Mark spots where you find bait fish and soon you will see areas where they congregate. This will be where the bigger fish are generally found. 

Last time we fished Mooloolaba we tried new ground that we had never been to.  We caught 8 different species just by trying any ground that looked different.  You don't have to have peaks and rough ground, weed on the bottom holds lots of fish that don't show up on the sounder. Weed can show as a fuzzy bottom. 

Effort equals reward in the long run. 

Good luck. 

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