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Decky Spot Monday 19/2/18


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You did not miss much . yesterday i baited up the redclaw pots hoping for a feed but only got 14   redclaw when I checked them so i decided that was a waste of time and effort and pulled the pots.

As i had no set agenda thought I would try some ofmy old spots to see if the bass had returned upstream with only sub 30cm bass the occasional catch.

Only small bass on the floats and could see Dino sitting over near the far marker so I headed over there only to see Dino move on.

Not a thing on the sounder in the whole area so I went over near the island where i got the only reasonable fish of the day only to find it went belly up on release. ( Gave it away at the ramp as I could not be bothered takingit home to smoke)

I have been having trouble with the stern motor slowing down on the return trip so I took a voltmeter with me and one of the 6volt deep cycle batterys is dropping down to 2 volts under load so I will be looking at digging into the pocket for another battery before the next trip,

Final tally 14 bass with only 4 legal ( Just over the 30cm)and one yella.




npd19.2.18 002.JPG

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