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Fishing Roadtrip!


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Hi all, 


I'm doing a roadtrip in a campervan in a couple of weeks from Sydney all the way up to Cairns. Back in the UK i'm kind of a novice so looking for advice on a couple of rigs.

I guess i'll be doing mainly beach(surf) fishing and estuary.

This was the set up I was looking at, will it suffice? https://www.fishingtackleshop.com.au/products/shimano-eclipse-8-foot-rod-and-reel-combo-with-hyperloop-reel.html

Also looking to eat a lot of my catch so what are some easy and tasty species to target along the way?

Other the the rod/reel combo. What other gear would you recommend I order in advance.  Line, weights, lures, etc?



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I did a very similar trip 2 years ago from brisbane to cairns. Although I ended up taking 13rods and 12 reels hah. That sort of set up will probably get you by though for what you want. Generally speaking keep your sinker wieghts as low as possible for a natural presentation and collect your own fresh bait where possible (check local regulations and ask the local tackle store for advice). You will catch your standard bread and butter fish (bream, flathead etc) all the way along the coast, but maybe figure out if there is any particular fish you want to catch and look into appropriate techniques for those fish. 

Local knowledge is always best so stop in to local tackleshops or chat to other people staying near by to hear whats biting at the time.  

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Thanks for the response!

Haha, yeah I definitely won't be able to take 13 rods :) 

Yeah generally i'm looking for stuff that's fairly easy to catch and taste good, Bream, Flathead, whiting. Will make the meals we eat a bit more interesting!

I've looking into how to catch beach worms and pippi's. Is there anything else that's quite common you would recommend? Also will the 3 species i've mentioned take lures? 

What's your favorite fish to catch and cook? 


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Depending on my hip replacement surgery if you are interested we could do a trip on north pine dam chasing freshwater bass which are good eating. You could stay at Daybro showgrounds where the camping is reasonably priced.

Do a forum search for posts by alaskanaturally who did a road trip up the east coast a few years ago.

There are some forum members further north in QLD who may be able to give you some local knowledge about what to see and do as well as fishing info.


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Absolutely!! If you invest in a nipper pump (saltwater yabby) that will also be handy for all species mentioned as well as a bait trap or cast net for mullet/herring depending on what state you are in (no cast nets in NSW). Yes all three will take lures and flathead are particularly easy to get on lures, just a wriggler style works well with a 1/4oz jighead depending on depth and current. 

Flathead is definitely a favourite food source for me in the 40-50cm range but mangrove jack, mackerel and whiting all go down nicely and aren't out of the question on a trip like that.

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@plumed90 Welcome!

Also remember that in NSW you need a fishing licence but in Qld you don't.


Queensland Fishing Licences and Restrictions

Fishers are not required to hold a licence when fishing in Queensland unless in specific 'stocked compounds.' However bag limits and minimum fish sizes apply across the State. The restrictions vary depending on the specie. For current fishing restrictions you should consult the QLD Fisheries.

Permits are required in stocking zones (a list is available on the website listed above). In these areas you must hold a permit if you are 18 years or over and/or using a fishing line or set line. A permit may be issued to a couple or an individual.

An annual permit costs $36 and may be obtained at a number of locations. A list of these locations can be found by contacting the Queensland Department of Primary Industries on 13 25 23.

There are regulations regarding the equipment you may carry at any one time for freshwater fishing. In freshwater you may not have in possession or in use more than:

* 4 canister traps

* 4 collapsible traps 

* 4 dillies 

* 4 funnel traps 

* 4 of these traps in any combination; or 

* 4 round traps

The following are a some general rules regarding recreational fishing in QLD:

* Explosives, electrical devices or poisons are prohibited as a means of taking fish in QLD

* Recreational fishers may not sell the fish they catch 

* Traps, set lines and floats should be tagged with the owner's surname and address

* Using crustaceans or fish outside their natural habitat as live bait is prohibited in QLD 

* You are not permitted to use more than 6 fishing lines at any one time in QLD waters

Queensland performs a lot of research on fish to track their movement, survival and growth. The fish studied in these programs are tagged and should not be taken. If you do take a tagged fish you should call 1800 077 001 to report the tag number, length and the date/place of capture.


New South Wales Fishing Licences and Restrictions

In New South Wales you may be required to pay a Recreational Fishing Fee to fish in the State's waters. There are also several restrictions in place that you must honour regarding the minimum size a fish must be to be taken from NSW waters and the number of fish you may take per day. 

When fishing in NSW you are required to have paid a Recreational Fishing Fee unless you:

* Are an aboriginal person fishing in fresh water

* Are an aboriginal person fishing in salt water who is part of a registered native title claim, partaking in a traditional cultural activity in the company of or as a local land council member

* Are assisting a person under the age of 18 with a single rod or a single scoop net 

* Fishing in a private dam of 2 hectares or less under the age of 18

You may also be exempt for the fishing fee if you are the holder of a: 

* Centrelink pensioner's concession card

* Commonwealth Veteran Affair gold treatment card endorsed 'Extreme Disablement Adjustment' and/or 'Totally and Permanently Incapacitated'

* Department of Veteran Affair's commonwealth pensioner's card

* Letter from the Department of Veteran Affairs declaring that you receive 70% or higher disability/intermediate pension

Fishing fees range from $6 to $75 depending on the length of time you wish to fish in the area. There are a number of stores where you can pay the fee including caravan parks, service stations, fishing tackle stores etc. The fees go towards improving recreational fishing in NSW through various projects and trusts.

There are restrictions on the number of fish you may take each day and the minimum size that a fish must be to take from the water. These restrictions vary based on the type of fish and the season. You should consult the NSW fisheries or ring your local fisheries office to confirm the current legal requirements before your fishing trip.

The following are some general rules regarding recreational fishing in NSW: 

* Any fishing rods/lines must be within 10 metres of you and in sight and should have no more than 2 hooks per line

* Any set lines must be tagged with your name, address and boat registration number and contain only one hook. 

* Do not take crayfish with eggs from freshwater or remove eggs from a crayfish 

* Set lines should be checked frequently throughout the day, preferably every hour, to release any small fish or animals that may get caught.

* Explosives, poisons or chemicals may not be used to obtain fish from fresh water. 

* Recreational fishers may not sell the fish they catch

* When fishing in NSW dams you are permitted up to two attended lines but no set lines 

* When Rock Fishing always be in a group of 3 or more people, wear appropriate footwear, tell others of your plans and have access to an angel ring or life buoy to throw if someone gets washed in. 

* You may not use live finfish, frogs, live birds, live mammals or trout as bait 

* You may not use spearguns, bows and arrows, firearms or spears to catch fish from freshwater in NSW

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3 hours ago, plumed90 said:

Hi all, 


I'm doing a roadtrip in a campervan in a couple of weeks from Sydney all the way up to Cairns. Back in the UK i'm kind of a novice so looking for advice on a couple of rigs.

I guess i'll be doing mainly beach(surf) fishing and estuary.

This was the set up I was looking at, will it suffice? https://www.fishingtackleshop.com.au/products/shimano-eclipse-8-foot-rod-and-reel-combo-with-hyperloop-reel.html

Also looking to eat a lot of my catch so what are some easy and tasty species to target along the way?

Other the the rod/reel combo. What other gear would you recommend I order in advance.  Line, weights, lures, etc?



So Jealous. Should be a great trip.

When you are in Brisbane drop us a line. If Pos. one of us will take you outside and try for some crackers.

There are so many options along your way... very hard to be too specific. Perhaps if you picked a few areas we could let you know what to expect and what gear you will want to have. 

1 hour ago, plumed90 said:

I've looking into how to catch beach worms

 Good luck with the beach worms. Great bait... very hard to catch. 

bream and flathead are good to target with smallish soft plastics in estuary spots. They will both take hard bodies both surface and diving. Both will take baits like pilchards and flesh baits and many other things. Whiting are prolific and can be caught on worms or yabbies and will take small surface lures like sugar pens or poppers. 

Up north you are in for a treat. Every jetty or harbour will catch fish. You will want heavy gear for this sort of thing. Ramp it up! If you can live bait you will do a lot better. 

While you are here try and catch a few iconic fish. Some I like are Barramundi, Mangrove Jack, Coral Trout, Spanish Mackerel, Bass, Sooty Grunter, Jungle Perch, Saratoga (I'm yet to get one...) , Yellow tail kingfish and my favourite yellow tail pike (in joke) ... there are many more so hopefully others will add a few.  

This is a good forum to keep asking more and more specific questions about where you are heading and what to catch and how to catch them.

I am excited to follow your trip so please stick up a few pickies as you go along. 

P.S. defs take up Rayke 1938's offer. fun as!!!



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Jewell in the crown in the Brisbane area is north stradbroke island which is only accessible by barge some great camp grounds there ,brilliant fishing,scenery plan at least  to 4 days to see it all. Choice of surf or calm water fishing.

Angus will be able to put on to what to see and do.

Also a hint in australia we have sandflies ( A bit like your midges but a lot more potent bite) and mosquitoes so get some tropical strength insect repellent with a high percentage of deet. Last thing you want is to be covered with  itchy red blotches from sandfly bites which usually last a week .

The mosquitoes also can carry ross river and dengue fever which are not very nice.

Do not be insulted if you are called a pom remember a lot of us are descended from convicts and have no manners.:fishing2:




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Hi Plumed90 and welcome! If you are staying around North Brisbane area Bribie Island is worth a few days stay. There are loads of areas you should get some cracking whiting off Red beach and at end of 8th Avenue ( normally good gutters for using fresh yabbies), The whole bank line to the right of the bridge as you crossover has spots that are great for Flathead and bream, Tailor as the months get cooler, plus the Jetty often produces nice sized Jew and mackeral of an evening. The left of hte bridge has spots as well and a place called Whitepatch loals will tell you where. Great bait shop up near Jetty has been around for the last 25 years I have been fishing there. AS you head north as the guys said you need to go bigger in line class. Lures minimum 10cm. I us loads of poppers. I just spent 12 months in Innisfail so if you are staying there for a bit there are Barramundi, Mangrove Jack, Queenies to be had all from the beach and from the banks. DO NOT GO IN THE WATER! Keep your eyes peeled ALL THE TIME! There are Snapping hand bags ( Crocodiles ) everywhere. I am talking 3-4m minimum I saw heaps. All through up there has just had a good flood so fishing will be different to when I was there. Try Mourilyan Harbour nice jetty and loads of rock wall to walk. Flying fish point of a evening on dusk produces big fish there is a big whole to right of the playground. But the current can be a killer here. There is usually a local there every afternoon he will be wearing camo coloured raincoat and carries a small baseball bat in his belt he is a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock if you know what I mean. Also an older fella who lives across road is there as well he fishes in front of the palms straight off hte point. As you head into Cairns try the boat ramp near the Navy docks. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone, Thanks so much for all your replies. Ill make sure I take the time t go through them and reply (sorry been so busy arranging to leave Vietnam)

I'm going to purchase the rod/reel combo (mentioned in my first post) and a starter tackle box I found, unless you think there may be a better option? 



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Simple common rig for surf fishing (as per diagram) - tie a swivel to your mainline then put on a suitable sinker (No. 2 or 3 surf sinker generally will do) onto a length of leader about 15cm long then add another swivel. Then add about 45cm of leader and then the hook suitable for your target species.rig1.jpg.b11dc73ecf7219d79e9b816add0ec4d2.jpg

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