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Hinze Western Arm 4/4/18


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We ventured to the western arm this morning.

We were disappointed to find that the sharefarmers had been active and half our pots had been ratted,bait containers gone and pots left open.

Luckily I had split our pots and we got some shrimp outnof the rest that the sharefarmers had not found.

We went into bass bay and Mark was into fish straight away boating 8 bass before Rick and I got a touch,

Most of the bass were just over legal with around 8 over 40.

The eagle had a good feed of barred grunter,

We knocked off just afte r9am with a tally of 48 bass of which mark caught over half.

Next time we are going to tie the stern of the boat close to the trees.:devil:



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