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Why do idiots still introduce these bloody things in countries!?!

When it comes down to it, you dont need exotic species in a tank, natives are beautiful enough as it is. But whats worse about bringing these feral things into a country, is that some tossers are releasing them! Shoot them all i say.

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This is my favourite paragraph hahahahaha.

"It is feared the fish had been smuggled in for an aquarium and then illegally released. Snakeheads caused chaos when they were found in America in 2002, with snipers setting up on banksides to shoot them and entire lakes being poisoned to kill them".

To funny!


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The vicious giant snakehead EATS everything it comes across and has even been reported to KILL people. this is a sentence from the article and it's completely *******

giant snakehead's diet's not even as wide as large mouth bass's. and in asia where they r everywhere,not a single person's killed by snakehead. Piranha form a school and attack animals bigger than them but snakehead never form a school and they only attack things that fits into their mouth. snakehead's pretty much a flattie that does not only holds at the bottom

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Angus wrote:

This is my favourite paragraph hahahahaha.

"It is feared the fish had been smuggled in for an aquarium and then illegally released. Snakeheads caused chaos when they were found in America in 2002, with snipers setting up on banksides to shoot them and entire lakes being poisoned to kill them".

To funny!


Typical Americans. Problem, reaction, solution..... Bigger problem:S

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hey ash, i am not saying ur wrong cuz from what u've heard u must believe snakehead eats out all the food and harm the ecosystem.

media sometimes do terrible things. less than 0.1% of Australia or US or UK ppl have seem a snakehead and less than 0.01% of them really have any knowledge to this species other than what's broadcasted by the media.

in china if u release 20 snakehead in a 60m*60m pond and put tiny hera( like boney bream) in, 4 yrs later, there'll still be more hera than snakehead.lol. they r hardy but they r not as evil as described. they r not even as bad as barramoundi.

according to what media say, since NPD's introduced with BASS and awoonga's stocked with barra, there should be no bony bream or garfish in there anymore. but they r still there.

just my 2 cents

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yeah kev i hear what your saying. My gripe isnt whether the introduced species does or does not ruin the eco system, its the fact that people are still releasing feral/pest/alien species into systems! Thats what annoys me. The poeple who do this dont tend to research the fish first, they just act without regards to other people, the enviroment or financial thought.

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kevinchen19870316 wrote:

these fish can survive in AU easily if introduced.there'll be no fish kill in winter time then because they eat most other fish and they r still feeding when it's freezing cold and they can kill most FW fish including bass and smaller barra. they r beasts!

:huh: What is it Kev? Do they kill everything like this post? Or they arnt that bad like in your last post?:unsure:


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Ash wrote:

yeah kev i hear what your saying. My gripe isnt whether the introduced species does or does not ruin the eco system, its the fact that people are still releasing feral/pest/alien species into systems! Thats what annoys me. The poeple who do this dont tend to research the fish first, they just act without regards to other people, the enviroment or financial thought.

bingo! i hate what the media's trying to do. but i strongly support what u say, the alien species should never be carried by human activities into ecosystems. actually it's quite dangerous when u consider that alien pets r allowed and a lot of ppl have no idea what their pets can do to the environment when released

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i caught them in thailand when i was there. the locals love them. food and fun was the direct quote from my guide. they definately don't school like piranha but i still wouldn't want to place any body part that i deem too important near it's mouth. pretty viracious feeders. not unlike grinners really, full of teeth and bad manners, only these guys have beefed up on roids a bit more...

i'll see if i can find the old photos from my thai trip. we got a few of them.

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ellicat wrote:

What's scary is that from the 19 reader comments only 1 was sceptical:blink: These types of publications should be made to declare they are just a dressed up comic:P

Hahaha yes and at least 3 made a point of "yet another foreginer in England" and at least 2 made a point of feeding Heather Mills to the fish. Hahahaha.


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kevinchen19870316 wrote:

i'd say most of ppl know nothing about fish. all the member here on the site r keen fisherman so we know what's going on. but most ppl have no idea what a fish can be so they just take for granted that what's publicised is right! pretty similar to how the green zone plan's carried on

Spot on Kev. You may have noticed this gets up my big nose big time :evil:

Angus, The reader's comments sure add to the comic effect:laugh:

I think I might agree with the ones on Heather Mills :laugh: :laugh:

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kevinchen19870316 wrote:

i'd say most of ppl know nothing about fish. all the member here on the site r keen fisherman so we know what's going on. but most ppl have no idea what a fish can be so they just take for granted that what's publicised is right! pretty similar to how the green zone plan's carried on

well if you take that even further... daylight savings will fade your curtains apparently... green zones will fix everything and make sure there is fish for everyone and no plankton gets hurt... global warming is going to destroy the planet in the next 50-100 yrs... wearing sunscreen while swimming makes baby coral cry... etc etc etc


how can a 4ft long fish eat a person??? i mean really guys... if people are crazy enough to believe that they could believe anything.

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benno573 wrote:

kevinchen19870316 wrote:
i'd say most of ppl know nothing about fish. all the member here on the site r keen fisherman so we know what's going on. but most ppl have no idea what a fish can be so they just take for granted that what's publicised is right! pretty similar to how the green zone plan's carried on

well if you take that even further... daylight savings will fade your curtains apparently... green zones will fix everything and make sure there is fish for everyone and no plankton gets hurt... global warming is going to destroy the planet in the next 50-100 yrs... wearing sunscreen while swimming makes baby coral cry... etc etc etc


how can a 4ft long fish eat a person??? i mean really guys... if people are crazy enough to believe that they could believe anything.

how big ar pirahna

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hey guys.. don't know what u guys believe in . I am from singapore and snakehead is a native species in our waterways. They are ferocious eaters and they will eat alot and almost anything in the water ( fishes , turtles , water fowl ). They are territorial as well .Although consider a pest in most countries they are exceptionally good eating and they are known to be good fighters. I rate them better than barra, cod or even mangrove jacks. If anyone of you ever had a chance to get one i am sure you guys will agree with me.::)

Ps: btw it's true that they do attack humans because that is if they are provoke first but they don't delibrately hunt for humans for food !

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