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Quiet Pine river session 26th July


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I got my leave pass after going shopping with the missus and kiddo on Saturday, and was on the water by 4:00pm. I put in at deepwater bend, then ran up to castle hill for some livies. Got a few, and a decent mullet which has become my bait of choice when fresh lately. This big white bugger scored a couple of baby bream that came out of the cast net and went back in.


I decided to drift all the way back to the bridge as the sun set, dragging a livie and a strip of fresh mullet. Sunset was awesome, no fish, but how is the serenity?


Finally drifted down to the bridge, and it was dark, I had the big rod with a livie on it, and kept throwing mullet around the pylons. Eventually this bloke couldn't resist the mullet, but he was all I saw for the evening.


About mignight I could no longer feel my fingers or toes, and the tide had turned so I finally decided to call it a night.

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Some mates and I used to go and hit up castle hill all the time years ago and we had some great catches there!! We were shore based but managed to get onto some quite big fish - not that we could always stop them though! Some really big eels in there too!! We pulled some big flatties and jewies out of there - but they all went back in! We weren't the only ones to fish the area either - but it was great to just drive in there, start a fire and chill out while catching some good sized fish and telling tales!!

Would love to fish some of those old places with a boat or a yak - would be a hell of a lot of fun, that's for sure!! Might have to go for a drive over to there the next time I'm on that side of town just to see if it's still how I remember the area...

Shorty :)

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