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:S gday boys (and girls....)

picture this-

someone comes up to u and ruins ur fishign plans for saturday. thast cool, you pray for a miricale but u accept the inevitablility of a no fishign wekkend and kinda start to like the idea....


ready for it


my sat is now free!

so i watch the weather and guess wat the prediciton is (which changed form yesterday!)

they reckon theres gonna be south west winds...


as u could appreciate im not in the best of moods following this garve prediction...

i hope the weather man is wrong and its 0-5 knots all weekend (or atleats for saturday!

so witht he south west (IF its wat comes)

redcliffe reef/ scarbrough area should be protected a bit right?

wheres the go u guys reckon?

are there any fish about following the wetaher?

is the pine worth the time (i spose if its blowing a gale its the only option)

but lets think positive...

any1 heard anythign different?



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apparently theres some amazing marlin coing in from the pine at the moment they have been chasing schools of snapper and mahi mahi up as far as the wrecks a mate was saying he caughtso many bristle nosed pumpkin eaters that his boat started taking on water so my advice is go hard and catch a wopper how can you go wrong with a report like this :P


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hey, sounds like your weekend is a bit like mine, my mate just pulled out to go off-shore on saturday. i was considering the pine also but thats out as the boat is staying at home this weekend. if the wind is right i might go sharking with some balloons up at the shorncliffe pier. goodluck

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