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Everything posted by AUS-BNE-FISHO

  1. Hi Bronno Great session, those are some quality bass. Welcome to the forum. That is a ripper first post and very informative. Thanks for it Cheers Hamish
  2. Hello Kat When beach worming the trick is supposed to be patience. You will have your sack full of fish and stuff that smells - this will attract the worms. You will need a little bit of something too, like a pilchard, so you can keep the worm up while you grab it. You can use pliers but I think both ways work. You then pull the worm up, try not to yank it or it may snap... And then, Hey Presto, you're done (or should be but I think it's WAYYYY harder than this). Cheers Hamish P.S. I would be more inclined to dig in the mud but not everyone likes mud. Lol.
  3. Hey Ducks Nuts I know it's a bit late, but I would personally recommend a Nasci (good drag and very smooth) on a rod that is a bit longer... Simply because you will have more leverage on fish with the lighter line and you will be able to cast further with unweighted baits. I'm sure the rod you have invested in will be good though, so good luck. Hope to hear about some fish! Cheers Hamish
  4. G'day Sam That's awesome! Nice one. A good lizard for a feed and some fun camping on a beach ... Yahoo! I may see if i can do this with my dad. It'd be very fun! Cheers Hamish
  5. Ray and Dino regularly get massive numbers... Like, MASSIVE. Fish numbers that I could only dream off Cheers Hamish
  6. Hi igor Great job. That is a good shark, especially for the early season. Cheers Hamish
  7. Hey Sam Nice one - that is a good size eating trev Cheers Hamish
  8. EMERGENCY, I REPEAT, EMERGENCY! .... Schools back
  9. Hey Drop Bear I am still teaching myself/learning, so I'm not the best... I've always found simple maintenance is the best solution. Legendary advice Junky - I try to do most of that when I take reels apart. Cheers Hamish
  10. Hey Kat Yep, what Angry51 said is correct - 6 hours per tide cycle, so the first half would be from the low tide to half way up the high tide, then the second half would be half way up the tide cycle to the full tide. A lull tide/slack/ebb (lots of names) can often be a good time to fish, and it will have no run. Cheers Hamish
  11. Thanks Ray, some good info in that Cheers Hamish
  12. Hey Ed. Looks like something worth investing in.. I will add them to the list if I need a baitcaster. Cheers Hamish
  13. Hey JAYJAy Those are two awesome fish for your first fish on lures, and out of the Brisbane River. Looks like you've found yourself a secret spot! Good job. Like @kmcrosby78 said above, the first is a Sand Whiting (legal size limit 23cm if you keep fish) and the second is a Dusky Flathead (legal size 40-75cm). They're both good fish to catch on lures The advice on getting some better lures is good too.. Or even some soft plastic lures, which are cheapies but work good on most things. Cheers Hamish
  14. Hey Brian Shame about the lack of fish over those two sessions, but like you always tell me in the BR sessions that are bad your persistence will surely pay off! I reckon it's a pity that you didn't get rewarded on a good snapper. Good job to Shaun for playing a catty on 4lb - that would sure be some fun. Bummer about the flatty realisation - it will be out there next time. Two questions though, have you been keeping record of the time, and was Spot X the spot where Kat, Steve, you, and me all went out to? Cheers Hamish
  15. Hey Ob20 Welcome to the forum - sounds like you may have a spot to figure out! Bulimba Creek seems to be renowned for big tilapia and carp (as well as other invasive species). I'd assume you know that because they are noxious fish you need to kill them and dispose of them responsibly. Your best bet to catch these would probably be a light leader, small hook, worms, and a float. Maybe and hopefully if you can try with some lures (such as spinnerbaits) you could pull a bass out of there. Good luck, Cheers Hamish
  16. Hey Sneaky1 I reckon it'll be a good reel - I think the Alvey spinning reels have been around for a little while now, so hopefully they keep expanding there range. Cheers Hamish
  17. Hi BWB The only reason my reels have ever gotten 'geary' is because they have been exposed to water, dirt, sand, etc. A good clean up at the end of the day always help in my opinion... Sometimes reels are just going to be duds as well. Cheers Hamish
  18. Hey BWB What a great deal! That is a bargain... It's sure the kind of thing you want to keep your eye out for. Cheers Hamish P.S. You are certainly an expert!
  19. P.S. What is Himze? (Just joking )
  20. Hey rayke1938 Great job on the bass - they're bigguns! And pulling them out of the snags must be some real hard work. It's great you give away your marks as well, very nice of you. Hope you get good karma with a 60cm bass! Cheers Hamish
  21. Hey Leon I don't know about the rod but I reckon a baitrunner reel in that size (or your Diawa Freams) would be perfect. Good luck! Cheers Hamish
  22. Hello igor You probably don't need a drone to launch your line 1KM out and catch fish. Jewfish can be caught off rocky ledges, or deep gutters on the surf, at night. You can just cast out your line. Baits such as fish strips, pilchards, and live baits will hopefully produce for you. Tailor can be caught with pilchard or spinning metal slugs like Breaming with bro said above. Once again, you don't need to launch your line out with a drone - just simply cast it out in a gutter. Both Jewfish and Tailor are more Winter species. Tuna can be caught off the rocks with big metal slugs or livies.. And finally, sharks may be the only one you want to launch your line out for if you're fishing for really big ones. A heavy set up with the bait anchored out deep will hopefulyl get you one (But both these fish are Summer fish). That advice is mainly what I have heard over time, sorry it's not my personal experiences. Cheers Hamish
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