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floater rig, myora rig !


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it's bit of a sneaky rig.you have your mainline, sinker, swivel, then leader and hook or hooks,i use in shallow as well as deep water over 120 mtrs. you simply hold on to the bait whilst you drop the sinker over the side, wait for it to hit the bottom, then over with your bait, and let it loft down, best to use these rigs while anchored, can almost guarantee your bait will not get to the hook or hooks, before you get a strike

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im very interested in this tecnique.. when flesh fishing or using a bait, i prefer to use no sinker at all. usually a hook on a leader tied to main line with albright knot. but there is lots of times that this rig wont work because of wind or current.. But this myora rig is the answer.. B)

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  • 7 years later...


Hi ericl1947, welcome to the site

noname is nomore, on this site anyway ;)     to quote from above { ......you drop the sinker over the side, wait for it to hit the bottom, then over with your bait, and let it loft down, best to use these rigs while anchored }

if you used this method while drifting (depending on current/wind etc) your bait/hooks would be ripped down to the bottom thereby negating the floating effect

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