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Crabs, Bullie and ????


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Got up at 4am and went down the mouth of the river for a mixed day.

Launched at 5am at fisherman island ramp.

I dropped 4 dillys in front of the sunken wall and flicked a few sps and hbs while I was waiting. Did my first

Did my first pull of the dillies at 6am for zilch but suprised at the ammount of soft corals coming up in the nets. Its around 10 years since I have crabbed this area and it was quite rare to get any soft coral so the river must be improving a lot.

I then went to the tip of Bulwer island and castnetted some livies and did another pull of the dillies at 7am for still nothing apart from a shovie.

I then went down towards the mouth to try a spot that Shaun told me about. ( Thanks Mate ).

Sat there for a couple of hours till the top of the tide for nothing.

Went back and checked my nets and got 3 crabs and a large cattie in the nets.

The wind had got up a bit so I went back to boggy creek and anchored up and threw out my livies again.

Had one short run that failed to hook up.

Then another one and brought a bullie around 70 to 80 cm up beside the boat and he bit the leader through as I was using 30 lb braid with 20lb mono leader

Soon after I had another really good run that just went straight and deep. Peeled heaps of line of the reel and I thought that I was in danger of being spooled so I screwed up the drag another couple of turns and managed to turn it. I retrieved some line and it went for another run and bingo that was it.

The leader was broken with a clean break

No idea what it was except that it was very big.

Checked my dillies at 11 am for another sandy and another shovie.

Fresh crab sangas for tea.



Ray [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/P1010367_AFO.jpg


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What's the call on the mystery fish ? threadie, lip hooked shark, snapper ??

Like to think it was a thready but probably large shark.


what size were the sandies you got. jst wondering what average sizes are?

Smallest one was about 1/8 inch over old legal measurement largest well over 6 inches.

Had to eat the lot myself as wifes gout playing up.:laugh:



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