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help me computer nerds!!!i need a laptop


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ok well i am in the market for a computer.i need some computer technical advice form the guys who know all about this stuff...

im wanting to buy a lap top.either new or second hand at a bidget price.(saving for a house and a new car= not much spare coin anymore)

i dont play video games online at all and if i do its just the simple ones that are on this site.

i will just be using it for browsing the net and downloading music mainly.

i would liek to be able to burn music and dvd's... if they can do that at all.

maybe even a wireless internet pickup thingy

i have no idea what all the technical jargon about computers means so what should i be looking for in size of memory and all that other gigehertz megafiles talk i hear about computers etc...

oh and some prices too!!!

thanks jared

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Hey Jared,

Dell have some laptops around the $800-$900 mark on sale at the moment. Not sure what your budget is, but given that you are watching how much you spend, this might fit your needs.

With a laptop it comes down to 2 things, processor and memory. The life of the laptop will be determined by those 2 things alone, in my opinion. If you can spend the coin and get a good speed processor with a decent amount of memory, especially if you are going to run Vista, it's worth it in the long run!!

Acer and Toshiba also have laptops around this price and have cash back bonuses running at the moment.

Here's some websites to check out -

www.pcshopper.com.au (Seem to be good value and they have regular specials once a month!!)

www.umart.com.au (Milton store VERY busy!!)

www.gamedude.com.au (warranty returns suck - but they are cheap!!)

www.msy.com.au (cheap, but I've not bought from this place!!)

www.surpass.com.au (good to deal with but $$'s)

When you find some you think you could be keen on, post the specs and we can check 'em out!!

Hope this helps!

Shorty :)

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for your application, which is basic needs you cant go past a brand new dell. over the years i've built a number of computers for family and friends who wanted to save some coin, but now i just tell them to go buy a dell.

just sourcing the parts alone to build a pc yourself is roughly about the same as buying new. when you think about the time you (or i) invest into hunting around for the best price, then the effort to take time off work, petrol, etc. i found that in my case i was better off to buy a whole new package with warranty, monitor, mouse, keyboard, etc.

unless your a hardcore gamer who wants to overclock, etc. you'd be better off buying new.

just to give you an idea i bought my parents a dell computer:

Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4ghz

3gb ddr2 ram

500gb hdd

128mb video card

wireless card

22" wide screen




all for $1100 delivered, which is far more than adequate for basics. i couldn't even build it myself for that price! just hang around until they have special deals which is like every fortnight.

oh since you're looking for a laptop, i also bought a laptop for uni. DELL again.

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wait.... for the level of usage you're wanting to get out of your laptop, I don't see the point of going to those costs.

Are you planning to EVER use the laptop for anything more than what you have described??

I think you will be able to find a cheaper second hand laptop that will do what you want. Say around the 200-300 mark.

I'll pm you some details.

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my 2c..i just checked out the Asus lappy in the WOW catalogue.. seems sorta ok.. my issues are thats its a celeron, and only 1gb ram.. i'll relate that to cars.. a celeron and 1gb of ram is like driving a 3 cylinder charade... yes fair enough it goes places .. A to B most importantly.. but u do it slowly and in an very annoying fashion.. if you are to buy something, cover yourself for the next 2 or 3 years of usage.. ie a nice performing CPU and more than 1gb of ram which really is what we were using back in 2003..

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ok thanks for the help so far fella's im even more confused.

is a laptop and a notebook the same thing?

yeha i have no interest in games or shit like that...

all i wanna do is turn it on. be able to brouse broadband internet quickly.download some music and stuff.burn a dvd here and there then turn it off.

not a computer junkie at all.

what does cash back mean..do i need one to give to them to get one back?

thatpcshopper site has some for 600??butfrom what u guys are saying they might be shatty

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try MSY"

in randall st slacks creek!

we just picked one up for gazza's boat!

1.6 core2 duo, 160g hd, 1g ram, dvd burn ect, 15" moniter ect ect!

only $760!!!

or you could get a vaio and pay 3800 like i did a few yrs ago and it still runns strong now!

ps: saltshaker are you going to come have a look at my ac units???


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yeah mate im keen to do it..my phone was broken and i lost your number and the site was down so i couldnt log on to get your number that you PM'd me...

what a chain of events...

when is ok with you...i will have my mate come give me a hand since its a 2decker

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mate if your trying to save money then you wont be wanting to spend 1000 dollars on one.

Just get a second hand $300 hp or somthing from a computer store.

When you have more cash freed up then buy the $1000 dollar one.

IMO there is little noticable difference in em in speed or performance over the last 6 years anyway,

oh,, except the new ones are more flimsy and they run bogus vista.

I also seen the pre paid broadband with usb wirless modem advertised on tele too (dont know what its limits are), so the built in wirless bb card may not be a necessity.

depends what you want..tool or toy IMO the new ones can't do anymore than the old ones, see for yourself

just my 2c


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reelchippy wrote:

On the look out for one myself i am looking at the a M51 ASUS

Reelchippy is M51 the model or is it a range of ASUS lappies?

My girl got an M51 "something" a few months back. Anyway It was the $1600 price point one, 3GB RAM 256MB vid card. Think the CPU is a 2.6 GHz Centrino 2, but would have to check the speed. Centrino 2 are Intel's latest range of laptop spec CPUs. Can't remember the HDD size lol but we ended up paying $1700 and ended up with the lappy + Office Home and Student, + extra warrenty (can't remember if an extra one or two, all ASUS come with at least 2 years as standard, or was it 3? LOL) + Trend Micro + 250 GB external HDD. It's a great unit that scoots along nice and I like having the numeric keypad at the side, which is rare amongst laptops.

The only bugbear we had at all was it decided to crash on most boots after a few days. A bit of research later, uninstalled some extra ASUS screensaver (of all things!) that was installed and it hasn't missed a beat since.:laugh:

By the way for the bloke looking at the $800 price point lappies, I would recommend getting XP as your OS. Vista is my preferred OS, but it sure likes to eat up resources!

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