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Sounder recommendations


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Hi Folks

I'm looking to up grade the current sounder to a colour version.

Looking for recommendations & opinions (pro's & cons).

I will be only using it in the river in an open tinnie, so high power versions not important, but resolution & definition is important though!!

Got a hand held GPS so combo's not necessary.

Not sure on $$ to spend yet thats relative to feedback & value for $$$.

Ideally I'll try to avoid running the purchase passed Ministry of Finance :whistle: :whistle:

As no doubt should the missus get wind of such an acquisition the purchase will need to be negotiated via War Office. :huh::blink: Net result generally similar spend going her way (my from my pocket or cold shoulder & more rations :(

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i would recomend the furuno 620fcv, if you go to the { pbafishing.com } website and get into sounder pics and have a look at bob's, reel flash's sounder at work, i know it's prob a few $$ more than you wanted to spend,but for some it's just another rod and reel, the 620 is a smaller version with not as much power, but just study the screens on bob's sounder, i mean really look at it.. good luck


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noname wrote:

i would recomend the furuno 620fcv, if you go to the { pbafishing.com } website and get into sounder pics and have a look at bob's, reel flash's sounder at work, i know it's prob a few $$ more than you wanted to spend,but for some it's just another rod and reel, the 620 is a smaller version with not as much power, but just study the screens on bob's sounder, i mean really look at it.. good luck


Rob certainly a thorough explanation on how to tweak the set up thanks

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reelchippy wrote:

I was looking the top end souders but the guys at trymax said if only fishing the bay and close in reefs the low end colour is all you will need i have a 400c garmin was $380 from the us drop in to there shop at capalaba good guys cheers


Mate I got a Navman 8120 so I'm bias but the bigger the better ok a few more buck's but at the end of the day ask your self a few questions

I DID :woohoo:

Do you intend to keep the boat ?

if the answer is yes buy the best you can afford ;)

If the boat is only a stepping stone put a medioca color or look for a good grayscale if you are going to sell it with the boat ?

If as above a stepping stone but you are not selling the sounder with the boat ? go to step one lol


best advice I can give don't rush and hunt around

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